Tag: Our Distance With God

  • My Distance From God and Devil

    My Distance From God and Devil

    Sometimes, we might ask of our faith in God. How far am I from God? And how far am I from the devil? How can we know our distance from God and the Devil?

    We can imagine a situation of a man standing between two objects which exist at either end of the man opposite from each other. One is on the right side of the man and the other on the left. Then we can know the distance of the man from those objects easily. If the man is moving away from one object, automatically he is moving closer to the other object and vice versa.

    Our distance from God and the Devil is the same. God and Devil are standing at the opposite sides from each other. God is in heaven and the Devil is in hell which is exactly opposite of heaven. Therefore, if we are moving toward God, our distance to the Devil becomes greater. And when we move toward the devil, our distance toward God gets bigger and bigger.

    Therefore, to know our distance from God and Devil, we have to ask ourselves where we are moving to. We must move toward God by obeying the words of God and doing the will of God. In that way, we can move away from the Devil. Let us watch ourselves and we must make sure that we are moving toward God.

    God is waiting for us and calling us to come toward heaven: ‘Come out of her, my people,’ so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues.

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