The Golden Hour of Salvation

The definition of “golden hour” is the first hour after the occurrence of a traumatic injury, considered the most critical for successful emergency treatment. Since the golden hour is the most critical moment in the treatment, if we lose this moment, we can lose a life.

Spiritually, it is the same. There is a golden hour for the salvation and if we lost the time, we can lose our salvation. In the parable of the ten virgins, the golden hour is the time period between the opening and the closing of the city door. They must enter the city before the door closes.

2000 years Jesus taught the importance of the golden hour through the prophecy of the fall of Jerusalem. He prophesied about the fall of Jerusalem and taught his people that they must be warned and escape the coming disasters.

Luke 21:20 “When you see Jerusalem being surrounded by armies, you will know that its desolation is near. 21 Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those in the city get out, and let those in the country not enter the city. 22 For this is the time of punishment in fulfillment of all that has been written. 23 How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! There will be great distress in the land and wrath against this people. 24 They will fall by the sword and will be taken as prisoners to all the nations. Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.

The Wise and Foolish VirginsWilliam Blake, 1826Matthew 25:1-6

As he taught through this prophecy, actually Jerusalem was surrounded by the Roman army about 40 years later. The Jews were rebellious and the emperors of Rome tried many times to put an end to their disobedience by destroying the city.

Nero sent his General Vespasian to conquer the Jerusalem and the Roman army surrounded the city of Jerusalem in 68 AD. Jesus told them that they should get out of the city to save themselves. Just as Jesus said the golden hour came for them to get out of the city.

Miraculously, there were a brief span of time during the political upheaval after the death of Nero when the Jews could get out of the city. Vespasian withdrew the army during the time of turmoil and went back to Rome. The siege was broken and the Jews were given a golden hour to escape the imminent death.

Those who listened to the teaching of Jesus fled to another city and could save themselves. However, those who did not listen stayed in Jerusalem. When Titus, the son of Vespasian, surrounded the city again in 70 AD about two years later, the golden hour for the salvation was over.

The city was under the siege for about six months and finally it was captured by the Roman army. They devastated the city and killed about 1.1 million Jews. And about 100,000 Jews were enslaved and they were sent away throughout the world. That was the fall of Jerusalem. Even though God gave them two years of the golden hour so that they could save themselves. When they lost the time, however, they were all destroyed.

Then what is the lesson this history gives us. In the parable of the ten virgins, those who prepared the lamp with the oil could enter the wedding banquet, which means they could receive salvation. But the five foolish virgins did not prepare the oil and left behind when the door was shut. And they lost their chance of salvation.

God gave us this precious time of “golden hour” so that we can prepare our lamp and oil. We must be ready for the Christ’s coming and must enter the wedding banquet as chosen people of God.

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