
The World Mission Society  Church of God (WMSCOG) delivers the love of God Elohim to the people of the world. Its main purpose is to shine the glory of God’s salvation. Today, many people are living in the time of famine and need physically and spiritually.

The Work Of WMSCOG

People around the world are going through many hardships and difficulties. Just as the bible prophesied there are news of war, famine, earthquakes and many natural disasters. In this dark world, the members of WMSCOG want to share the love of God and the hope for heaven. We deliver these messages in various ways.

First, we deliver the message of God through mission works and preaching. Members of WMSCOG studies the words of God diligently and fill themselves with the Holy Spirit through the words. And joyfully they go out and preach the words of God for the salvation of souls.

Second, as the light and salt of the world they do a lot of volunteer works for the benefit of the local communities and people. We have participated many activities such as blood donations, clean-up campaigns, disaster-response programs. Wherever people need help, WMSCOG and its members are there to give hands.


Whatever we may do, we work for the salvation of soul. The members of WMSCOG have learned and received the love of God the Father and Mother. And they eagerly want to share the love with people of the world. We hope that the world realizes the glory of God coming from Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Jerusalem Our Mother.

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