Church related events and news

  • New Year Greeting Of Overseas Members of the Church of God

    New Year Greeting Of Overseas Members of the Church of God

    To read the full article, please the visit, “The Korea Times“.

    175 overseas members of World Mission Society Church of God from 10 different countries visited Korea are conveying “the message of hope for the prosperity and well-being of the global community”.

    It was the year 2000 when the Church of God started to receive overseas visiting members in earnest. Up to the 73rd group, about 1,500 members had been visiting Korea every year. For the members of over 7,000 Churches of God in 175 countries, Korea is the country where God the Father and God the Mother, who are testified in the Bible, have appeared. So their visit to Korea is a pilgrimage to the Holy Land and a great blessing. Although foreigners’ visits to Korea decreased due to the outbreak of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) in 2015, about 240 members from 23 countries visited Korea and over 2,000 members came to Korea in 2016 alone.

    From THE KOREA TIMES news article

    They visited many different places around the city of Seoul and they were amazed by the speed Korea achieved for its economic growth. A visiting members said, “”It’s taken quite a long time for the United States to develop into a great power as it is now. However, Korea has achieved rapid growth in a very short period of time. Some parts seem to have developed more than the U.S.”.

    And also the overseas visiting members of the Church of God shared “a message of hope for the New Year” being united with the love of Mother.

    “I’m deeply moved that our Church members from all over the world with different languages and cultures are united in Mother’s love. If you don’t care about other people and only think of yourself, you miss something important ― love. Among many types of love, a mother’s love is the one that can change people, and those who are changed through it can make the world beautiful,” said Michael Miller from New York, U.S.

    From THE KOREA TIMES news article

    To read the full article, please the visit, “The Korea Times“.



    God bless you, Brothers and Sisters. Do you what FBE is? It means “Fantastic, Beautiful, Elegance,” which Heavenly Mother describes her children with. Even though we are nothing and the least in the world, we are everything to Father and Mother. Now let us live the life of “Fantastic, Beautiful, and Elegance” to please Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. The Lunar New Year will start soon in Korea. And I would like to say my greeting to everyone in the world who are called in the name of Elohists, “God bless you and Happy New Year!!”

    Four Worthies or Four Gentlemen


    In Korea, the gentlemen in the old days loved four plants for its particular characters. The first one is an apricot flower. An apricot opens its blossom in February, which is still in the middle of winter. People thought the apricot flower shows the quality of endurance we should follow. Just like an apricot which gives out its blossoms in the middle of cold winter, we must overcome all the difficulities and hardships and give out the beautiful fragrance in the middle of all the adversities of life.


    The second one is an orchid, which represents “noble elegance”. The orchid lives and blooms in a deep mountain far away from the world. In the same way, the gentlemen of the past thought a noble man must separate himself from the world and worldly desires. Instead, he must give out beautiful fragrance like an orchid by acting and speaking like an noble man showing the good qualities and nature in him.


    And the third plant is a chrysanthemum, which has a similar character like an apricot. A chrysanthemum blossoms in the late autumn when there is a frost in the early morning. When all other flowers withered, a chrysanthemum alone gives out its blossoms and fragrances. And a chrysanthemum flower has so many petals that the center of its flower is seldom revealed even when it is fully blossomed. People interpreted this as one of the important qualities of a noble man. Like a chrysanthemum, a noble man must not reveal his deep thought easily to others. Rather, he should be restrained and reserved.


    The last plant is the bamboo. A bamboo is ever-green, which represents the unchanging and lasting character of a noble man. In those days, a noble must serve just one lord in his life time by showing his immutable loyalty to a king just like a bamboo. And also a bamboo grows straight up to the sky without bending or giving out branches to many different directions. This also shows the honorable and righteous qualities of a noble man. A noble man must not yield easily to the force coming from outside. Rather he should have a loyal and faithful mind toward one king that he serves. In the same way, we must be faithful to our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother.


    These four plants were called “the Four Worthies” becasue each of them has a unique noble character. In the same way, I think Heavenly Mother wants us to live like this as noble sons and daughters of God. Mother said we can do everything we want to only if we are changed spiritually to be the children of God. In the greeting for the year, Mother said that we must be changed and transformed. Let us be changed and let us live a life of “Fantastic, Beautiful, Elegance” just as Mother told us. God bless you.

  • Arise and shine 2018

    The Church of God Holding ‘Arise and Shine 2018’ An International Bible Seminar

    Kyunggi Daily 2018.11.01.

    Scholars of all the walks of life from all over the world visited Korea and they participated in a seminar in proving the presence of God the Mother in the aspects of science, technology, medical science, and art/culture. This was a seminar named “Arise and Shine 2018” held by World Mission Society Church of God (General Pastor Joo Cheol Kim) in Panghyo Jerusalem Temple in Bundang.

    Seven keynote speakers from the U.S., Spain, Peru, Philippines, Mexico, and South Africa proved God the Mother through various academic fields. In this venue, 140 people from 25 countries who came to visit Korea along with these speakers and 2500 people from Korea including church members and people from all the fields of life joined the seminar.

    Proving the Existence of God the Mother through Various Academic Fields

    To open the event Pastor Joo Cheol Kim explained that this seminar was “intended that human beings should know God and receive salvation” and he told that life with a goal is important and the most important goal of life is to gain the kingdom of heaven which is the most blessed goal of our life. Also he wished that we have a beautiful change in the life by getting rid of the routine of time imposed to us in this laborious life.

    The topic of this seminar was to prove the existence of God the Mother in the various fields of academic studies. Until now most of the Christians knew God as only God the Father. However, Genesis in the bible records God in the plural form ‘US’, not in the singular form. When He created mankind, God said, “Let us make man in our image and in our likeness”. And God created man as male and female. Also, in Revelation 22:17, the last chapter of the bible shows that God who gives the water of life is “the Spirit and the Bride”. And the bible testifies about God the Father and God the Mother, saying, “Our Father in heaven,” (Matthew 6:9) and “But the Jerusalem that is above is free and she is our mother”. (Galatians 4:26)

    Like this to prove the existence of God the Mother through various fields of academic studies was new and fresh not only to the Christians, but also even to the common people.

    The Key for the Spiritual Paradigm “God the Mother”

    The seminar was composed of three sessions: the Principles of Nature and Paradigm, Science and Medical Science, Culture/Art and Technology. The first speaker of Session 1, Jennifer Grace Peacob (USA), an expert in special education made the presentation in the topic of “God the Mother in All Creation”. She explained, “Amniotic fluid made from the blood of the mother protects the fetus and connect the mother and the fetus and helps the fetus to keep the constant body temperature. Also a mother have a great influence on the baby in developing muscles and teaching the baby the way to breathe through the lung”. By quoting, “God’s eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made,” she said, “All the creation in the world is a textbook to make us understand God the Creator. Through this we can know the words of the water of life from God the Mother will give true happiness to mankine”.

    The second speaker, Louis Felipe Osorio, the Representative of SBN (Peru) gave a presentation on the topic, “Paradigm and God the Mother”. To prove his argument, he used the case study of Kodak which had dominance over the film camera business for about 100 years. Mr. Osorio ascribed the fall of Kodak to failing to break the paradigm of film”. He argued that the bottom line is to break the old mindset, blaming overconfidence, the lack of vision, and arrogance. He gave examples of refromers who could break the old way of thinking such as Henry Ford of the Ford Company, Steve Jobs the Founder of the Apple Company, J. K. Rowling the Writer of the Harry Potter series. Also he emphasized that Peter, Paul, and John who received Jesus who appeared as man 2000 years ago were the spiritual reformers unlike the Jews of the time. They have one thing in common, that is, that they could create a new value without being trapped in the paradigm of the time.  Mr. Osorio argued, “In our time, God the Mother is the key to open a new paradigm and those who receive the key and create the new paradigm are the true reformers”.

    The Integrated Circuit of Eternal Life “God the Mother”

    Raphael Anonuevo Dimaculangan, An Electronic Engineering Professor in Philippine National University opened the second session with the topic of “The Source of Energy in Universe, Spiritual Perfect Circuit”. What is most necessary for various new scientific products such as cellphones, wireless communications, automobile industry, state-of-the-art military weapon, satellite is ‘integrated circuit’. An integrated circuit, a.k.a microchips is similar to the CPU of computer. Just like a CPU runs the computer hardware which is just a lump of metal, without an integrated circuit, there is no cellphones, wireless communications, car industry, advanced military weapon, satellites. This is the energy source which became the foundation for the modern industrialization.

    Arise and Shine 2018

    He said that the spiritual world is the same and there is a spiritual integrated circuit which delivers and utilizes the energy to all creation. He emphasized that God the Mother works in that way, “2000 years ago God came down in the name of Jesus. Likewise, The power for the spiritual life of 7 billion people of the world comes from God the Mother”.

    “God the Mother,” the Great Creator of the Salvation of the 7 Billion Mankind

    The beginning of Session 3 was made by Fulu Mugovhani, a movie actress from South Africa. She came to realize the importance of the playwright while she has been working in a various movies. She said that the script made by the playwright is the core of a movie which is composed of actors, script, director, camera, lights, etc in her speech, “the Great Playwright”.

    “Playwright is spelled, not ‘Write”, but “Wright” in English. Etymologically, ‘Wright’ means ‘Maker’ or ‘Builder’. This means it is the playwright who makes and build the whole movie.” And she continued,” Then who is the playwright who makes a plan for our life, not a movie?” Quoting, “For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything,” Mugovhani pronounced, “The spiritual playwright who design the life of 7 billion from the beginning to the end is God the Mother. God the Mother is the one who knows us who are living as actors.” And she added, “Those who received God the Mother is the protagonists of the script written by God and the ending is the eternal salvation.”

    The last presenter was Juan Carlos Marquez, the Coordinator of Red Cross in the city of Queretaro Mexico, who led the speech with the topic of “The Mind of God the Mother I Realized through the Study of My Heart”. He said, “The most perfect woman in the world is a mother”. “A mother protect the baby with her own body and gives life to the child by sacrificing her own life. Likewise, God the Mother bears and gives life to the children through her love and sacrifice, and she raises and protects them. The most perfect being in the birth of life is none other than God the Mother”.

    Those who attended the seminar said that it was more reliable to realize God the Mother through the official seminar with various professional topics. Pablo Andres, who is working in the field of A.I. in Chile said that he had more interest in the topic, “A.I. and God the Mother”. Also he said that this seminar was a landmark experience on the road to seek God, who is the way of eternal happiness and heaven for all mankind.

  • [EVENT] The 100th Anniversary Of the Birth of Christ Ahnsahnghong

    [EVENT] The 100th Anniversary Of the Birth of Christ Ahnsahnghong

    2018 Commemoration Service Of Father’s Coming

    100th Year of Christ Ahnsahnghong’s Coming–On January 14, 2018, the Church of God held a ceremony to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Christ Ahnsahnghong. Christ Ahnsahnghong was born in 1918, and this year 2018 is exactly the 100th year after his birth. To celebrate this event we held a commemoration service in the presence of the Heavenly Mother and General Pastor at Go And Come Institute in Okcheon.

    100th Year of Christ Ahnsahnghong's Coming
    The city of Busan has changed since Father’s time. This is the picture of Haeundae where once Father lived during and after the Korean war. However, now we cannot find any trace of war or poverty in this outwardly prosperous city.

    Mother’s Teaching

    100th Year of Christ Ahnsahnghong’s Coming–In the ceremony, Mother mainly said that the gospel of 2017 was amazingly successful and we reached the goal we had set at the beginning of the year 2017. And she said that we could accomplish this result due to our unity and harmony, and our dedication for the gospel work.

    The bible says, “In its time I (God) will do this swiftly”. (Isa 60:22) As the prophecy says, Father is helping us so that this gospel work could be accomplished swiftly. Once there was a time when the accomplishment was slow, however, now is the time when it is going to be fulfilled swiftly. Every words of God has the time of fulfillment.

    She also said that many things on this earth is malfunctioning, signifying the imminent catastrophic disasters coming to us. As we can see signs in weather, climate, natural and manmade disasters, the earth has lost its power to regulate itself.

    The Meaning Of 2018: 100th Year of Christ Ahnsahnghong’s Coming

    100th Year of Christ Ahnsahnghong’s Coming–And she said that 2018 is the 100th year of Christ’s coming to this earth for the salvation of our souls. And she added, “Don’t you think that this would be a meaningful year?”

    Heavenly Mother explained some meaning behind the number 100. The highest score one could get is 100. Therefore, 100 represents “perfection” and “completion”. And also the water boils at the temperature of 100. At 99 degree Celsius (210 F) nothing happens to the water. When the water reaches 100 (or 212 F), however, the water starts to boil and becomes gas. This would be the same with the gospel of 2018. In 2018, the gospel of 7 billion would be completed and accomplished.

    Matthew 24:13 but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

    After the completion of the gospel, finally we would be able to go back to the kingdom of heaven. She said that we must also prepare ourselves to go back to heaven. We must prepare our oil 100 percent and we also must make our faith perfect. Everything must be made perfect: our faith, our love, our obedience, our patience, our unity, etc…

    100th Year of Christ Ahnsahnghong's Coming
    Recently, I saw a camellia blooming in a cold winter day. And I could remember the sacrifices of Father and Mother for us sinners. Thanks to Father and Mother forever and ever.

    History Movie

    100th Year of Christ Ahnsahnghong’s Coming–And also in the second part of the celebration we saw many movies. First, we saw the greeting for the 100th year of Christ’s coming from a lot of Zion members from all around the world. And we also watched a history movie of the church of God and Father Ahnsahnghong. It started from 1918 about a man who appeared according to the parable of the fig tree.

    Matthew 24:31  “Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. 33 Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it[e] is near, right at the door.

    And it featured all the major events in the history of the Church of God: Father’s baptism in 1948, the establishment of the Church of God 1964, Father’s Ascension in 1985, and after. The movie gave me so many realizations about Father’s sacrifices during the colonial time of Korea (1918-1945), the Korean civil war (1950-1953), the economic hardship at the wake. I came to realize again how much Father sacrificed for the church and gospel during these turbulent times in Korean History.

    I enjoyed the part when General Pastor explained about the last Passover Christ Ahnsahnghonng kept in 1984. He explained the realizations of the event one by one. Even though he did not know the reason at that time, now he finally could understand seemingly inexplicable things Christ Ahnsahnghong commanded at that time.


    100th Year of Christ Ahnsahnghong’s Coming–While explaining about the sacrifice of Father, Mother could not continue and had to stop several times because of the grief and sorry she felt for Father. At the end of the service Mother told us not to complain or grumble, but always give thanks to God. And she encouraged us to work for the gospel for the eternal glory in heaven. And General Pastor encouraged us to work together in unity and harmony to perfect the gospel work into 100 percent.

    In 2017, the gospel work for 7,000 regions came true under the grace of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. This year we have another mission of establishing 70,000 Zions in all the cities around the world. This gospel work will also be accomplished with the help of God Elohim. Now let us prepare ourselves with 100 percent faith and 100 percent unity. Then Father and Mother will help us to finish this last gospel work. And just as Mother told us not to complain or grumble. Instead let us always give thanks to God.

  • [NEWS ARTICLE] Mother’s Street Movement

    [NEWS ARTICLE] Mother’s Street Movement

    Mother’s Street Movement

    Isaiah 40:3 A voice of one calling: “In the wilderness prepare the way for the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God. 4 Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain. 5 And the glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all people will see it together. For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.”

    Mother’s Street Movement Around The World

    I read some interesting news articles about Mother’s Street, a world-wide cleanup campaign held by the churches of God around the world. While reading these news articles, I was reminded of one verse from the Book of Isaiah: “Prepare the way for the Lord.” Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother prepared this event for us so that we can take part in revealing the glory of God through this event. Let us join with a joyful and thankful mind so that we can share the love of God to our neighbors and people of the world. Let us take part in preparing the way for Jerusalem that she be the praise of the earth.

    Mother’s Street Movement–For the past two weeks, members of the Church of God in 175 countries have picked up trash along enough roads to circle the earth, in what it calls the “Mother’s Street” worldwide cleanup. It culminated Sunday….The name “Mother’s Street” stems from the church’s belief that God is the mother and the father, spokeswoman Nahely Molina said. “We want to be able to share the love of a mother,” Molina said. “We want to embody the love of Christ, and that’s why we’re here. We want to share the good deeds with members of the community.”
    By Ryan Gillespie, Orlando Sentinel

    Mother’s Street Movement–It’s part of a larger global effort called “Mother’s Street.” Similar cleanups were being held in more than 175 countries around the world. “Our motto is to spread the love of a mother. Seeing everybody being united and wanting to clean up, it’s a very great feeling,” says church member Blair Garner.
    The Bronx News 12

    Mother’s Street Movement–The cleanup drive is part of the “Mother’s Street,” a global cleanup campaign of the member churches of the World Mission Society Church of God led by General Pastor Kim Joo Cheol.
    SunStar Philippines

  • [WMSCOG] 2017 The Day of New Jerusalem Event

    [WMSCOG] 2017 The Day of New Jerusalem Event

    General Pastor’s Teaching

    DAY OF NEW JERUSALEM–On November 11 2017, the World Mission Society Church Of God (WMSCOG) held “The Day of New Jerusalem Event” to commemorate the coming of Heavenly Mother New Jerusalem down to this earth as man in the flesh to give us salvation. Heavenly Mother invited title holders and leaders of male-adult members of the church, youth and student leader members, teachers, and gospel workers to Okcheon Go-And-Come Institute to celebrate the event.

    During the event General Pastor emphasized that we are the true children of God because we have God the Mother who can give us eternal life. He explained briefly that we are the true members of the heavenly family through the sermon “Heavenly Family and Earthly Family.” Also, he said that the whole world was under the deep darkness before the coming of Mother. When Mother appeared to us and started to shine the glory of God, the darkness finally receded.

    He taught us that we now should take this glory of Heavenly Mother Jerusalem to the people who are still living in the darkness. And also he told us about the attitude of gospel workers. He began by saying the role of Mother in the gospel work. He told us that we should not think that Mother has come down to us to support us our gospel work.

    Mother Is The Protagonist Of Gospel

    DAY OF NEW JERUSALEM–And he told us that Mother is the leader of the gospel. She has come to us to save us through the gospel work, not to help and support us. As an example, he gave us one story in the bible. Immediately after the Israelites came out from Egypt, they had to face a big challenge in their journey in the desert, the war against the Amalekites. In this war, the Israelites could win in this war not because of the war hero Joshua, who actually led the people in the war, but because of Moses who was on top of the mountain holding up the hands.

    It is the same with the gospel work. Even though it seems that gospel workers are the ones who go out for preaching and bear fruits, actually this can happen because of Heavenly Mother’s prayers for the children. Heavenly Mother prays for us continuously without stopping so that we can keep the faith and bear fruits. Without Mother’s help and prayer, we cannot do anything.

    However, sometimes we as gospel workers are prone to think that we have done this and that. We are prone to put ourselves as leader of the gospel work, thinking Mother as supporter. But this is completely wrong. Rather, Mother is the protagonist of the gospel and we are just servants who are doing whatever errands Mother has given us. As soon as we try to put ourselves as protagonists for the gospel, we will fail. With these words he urged us to complete the mission given to us by shining the glory of Heavenly Mother as beacon.

  • [WMSCOG] Heavenly Parents’ Day 2017

    [WMSCOG] Heavenly Parents’ Day 2017

    About A Recently Released New Song

    Heavenly Parents’ Day for the year of 2017 was held on May 14 at Go-And-Come Institute in Ok-Cheon for the male adult members, youth and student members under the grace of Heavenly Mother. This was a special occasion designed for the members who cannot participate in the celebration of Heavenly Parents’ Day on May 18 due to their job.

    This celebration was held to commemorate the teaching of Christ Ahnsahnghong who revealed the true God the Mother on this day before his ascension. In this celebration, Mother mentioned about a piece of New Song which was composed recently, which is titled, “I am sorry for not understanding your wounded feeling.” Mother said that each New Song is allowed to us by God to teach us what we should know in the time frame we are living in.

    Heavenly Mother’s Message For the Celebration

    Mother taught us by giving a living example of the meaning of the new song. For the greeting of the celebration, she started by saying sorry to all the members who attended the event. She started to say sorry to the male adult members, youth members, student members, pastoral members and their wives. She said sorry to all of them for not comforting them enough and not having much time to listen to them and encourage them.

    After listening to this message everybody in the hall was deeply moved and felt truly sorry to Heavenly Father and Mother. Even though we were the one to be blamed for all the sufferings and pains we are going through, and even though Father and Mother have already done more than enough to us these undeserving sinners, she kept saying “I am sorry. I am sorry.” They have already sacrificed unfathomably for these sinners on this earth. They left the glorious heaven. They came down to this earth. And they sacrificed themselves for us even to the point of death.

    Our Resolution

    After listening to Mother’s message, we came to realize again how deep the love of Mother is and how wretched sinners we are. And also we could realize how severe the pain of Mother would be missing all her children. All the children who listened to the message of Mother could not raise up their head  because of the shame they felt in their heart.

    I repeated in my mind over and over again that I would not commit sin anymore. I will leave the way of sin and walk in the way of God. And also I determined to work for the gospel by finding our lost brothers and sisters to put an end to the suffering of Mother.

    All the children of God who serve the Ark of Covenant, please forgive each other and humble to each other. Say sorry to each other for the wrongs we have done to each other. Now let go of the arrogant mind and get united with ONE mind and ONE heart, the heart of Mother. And let us work for the gospel!!

    I am sorry, Brothers and Sisters, for the wrong things I have done to you. We love you. God bless you. BGF!!

  • [2017] Mother’s Love and Greeting for the New Year

    To the children of Zion, Heavenly Mother New Jerusalem gave words of greeting for 2017. Mother encouraged us to work for the completion of the gospel for the 7 continents, 70 countries, 700 provinces, and 7000 cities of gospel. Also, we could understand how deep Mother’s love is through her words.

    Mother’s Love

    More than anything else, Mother emphasized that we must work together. Heavenly Mother quoted, “If you want to travel fast, you should go by yourself. But if you want to go a long way, you must go together with others.” This words of Heavenly Mother moved me  a lot. 

    Many times I feel comfortable doing things by myself. For instance, I like to go hiking by myself. When I hike with others, sometimes I feel pushed to move quicker because of the partner. Or sometimes I need to slow down. I cannot keep my pace.

    However, Mother said that the most important thing is working together for the gospel. Through this words of Heavenly Mother I truly realized that Mother does not want to leave any of her children behind, but take all of them to heaven. And she wants all of us to keep the faith and work for the gospel.

    Heavenly Mother's love for the children
    A hen with her chicks under her wings

    Father and Mother allowed us another year 2017 for the gospel. Especially, this is the 99th year of Christ Ahnsahnghong’s coming to this earth to preach the gospel. 99 is read “goo-goo” in Korean, which is the onomatopoeic sounds of hen calling the chicks.

    Matthew 23:37  Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing.

    Mother’s Wish for the Year

    This year Mother wants to gather all her children to Zion under her wings and take them all to heaven. Let us work harder for the gospel in 2017 to find all our lost brothers and sisters and gather them to Zion. 

  • Congratulations, The World Mission Society Church Of God

    The World Mission Society Church of God or WMSCOG received the highest and greatest award for volunteer works in the United Kingdom.

    As you can see above the name of the award is The Queen’s Golden Jublilee Award for the voluntary works. The World Mission Society Church of God was selected as winner and as representative for the church General Pastor Joo-Cheol Kim was invited to the Garden Party held by the queen for the event on May 24 and he visited England for the second time this month on July 4 to take part in the award ceremony. This award is said to be the highest honor an organization can receive for the voluntary work.

    In an assembly to celebrate this event Mother first gave thanks to Heavenly Father Ahnsahnghong for allowing us this award. She also gave compliments toll the members of the churches of God all throughout the world for working diligently to reveal the glory of God as salt and light of the world through the good deeds. She also complimented for taking the role of the Good Samaritans and making all the efforts to help the community through many voluntary works such community cleanup services, blood drives, visiting the senior citizens, etc. And also General Pastor added that we must work even harder not only for the awards on this earth but also for the glorious spiritual awards stored in heaven and this award is given as good tools for the gospel so that the glory of Heavenly Mother Jerusalem would be revealed to all the peoples of the world.

    Thanks to Heavenly Father and Mother.

    For more information follow the links below:


  • Mother’s Message

    1 Corinthians 1:26   Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. 27 But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. 28 God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, 29 so that no one may boast before him.

    2000 years ago, Paul spoke about God’s people and he clearly said that they were not chosen because of their wisdom, power, authority; rather, they were chosen even though they were lacking all those things. God has chosen people who are lacking wisdom, authority, power, or knowledge. Just as he said God chose the foolish things, weak things, and uneducated things of the world and God gave them wisdom, power and knowledge so that they would not be able to boast about themselves.

    This is the same with us in this Age of the Holy Spirit. God chose the things that are not–to nullify things that are. Even though lowly, foolish and weak things are chosen, they are given wisdom, power and knowledge by God who is higher, wiser and stronger than any man in this world just as Paul said, “God’s foolishness is wiser than any man’s wisdom and God’s weakness is stronger than any man’s strength.” It is because God is with them. When God chose something, it becomes a wonderful tool to reveal the glory of God. Think about the staff of Moses. It was just a common staff Moses was using when he was tending sheep, but when it was used by God, it could perform many great things. When Moses held out the staff, the Red Sea divided and opened a path for people could cross on a dry ground and when he lifted up his staff, his people could defeat the enemy. Also when he struck a rock with the staff, the rock split open and gave out enough water to feed all the people and animals in the desert. What about the disciples of Jesus 2000 years ago? They were considered as lowly things of the society: fishermen, tax collectors, prostitutes. But when they were chosen by God, they were given wisdom, authority, and knowledge to silenced the rulers and authorities of the time.

    Even though God choose the lowly things of the society, he gives them everything they need to reveal the glory of God when he send them out to the world, helping them to overcome all the hardships and difficulties.

    Isaiah 41:8  “But you, Israel, my servant,    Jacob, whom I have chosen,
    you descendants of Abraham my friend,
    9 I took you from the ends of the earth,
    from its farthest corners I called you.
    I said, ‘You are my servant’;
    I have chosen you and have not rejected you.
    10 So do not fear, for I am with you;
    do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you;
    I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
    11 “All who rage against you
    will surely be ashamed and disgraced;
    those who oppose you
    will be as nothing and perish.
    12 Though you search for your enemies,
    you will not find them.
    Those who wage war against you
    will be as nothing at all.
    13 For I am the Lord your God
    who takes hold of your right hand
    and says to you, Do not fear;    I will help you.14 Do not be afraid, you worm Jacob,    little Israel, do not fear,for I myself will help you,” declares the Lord,
    your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel.

    God said that he would be with his people. God (who is almighty, to whom nothing is impossible or difficult, and in whom people can do anything through the power given from him) is helping them and that is why he said that God’s people should not fear or be afraid. Even though they are weak and foolish, God is helping them and holding them up with his mighty hands; therefore, you should not be afraid. Just before, enter into the land of Canaan and make war with the original people of the land, God told God’s people do not be afraid. Even though they looked like grasshoppers compared to the peoples of the land, they should not fear because it is God who was helping them.

    Joshua 1:5   No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you. 6 Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their ancestors to give them. 7 “Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. 8 Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

    To enter into the land of Canaan to possess the promised land they had to have many wars with peoples who looked much stronger than them and who were more numerous than them. But God said, “Be strong and courageous” because He himself was with them, helping them. This was actually given to the people who would be standing in front of the land of spiritual Canaan, that is, the kingdom of heaven. Before entering into the heaven, God’s people must go through many difficult things: spiritual wars with the evil ones, disasters, hardships, persecutions. But God is teaching them that they should not be afraid because it is God who is with them and who is helping them to overcome all the hardships.

    Today God is giving us courage with the same word: “You are everything in my life and you are everything what I care about.” Mother said that we are everything to her. God’s care and concern is completely given to God’s people. God is saying I am taking care of you 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, so do not be afraid or worried. I will help you. Do not be afraid of what to say to people when I am sending you. I will put my words in your mouth so that you can deliver the message without any lack. I will give you my wisdom so that you would destroy all the man’s wisdom. Just go and tell them to come to the Spirit and the Bride. Tell them to flee to Zion without delay. Tell them that Christ has already come to give salvation.

    Thanks to Father and Mother for choosing us, the weak and lowly things of the world!! We know we would be made complete and perfect because you are with us. Help us and use us as your tools for the gospel so that your glory and your salvation would be revealed to the peoples of the world!

    Happy Sabbath, Brothers and Sisters! Mother loves you. ANIMO!

    Published on February 28, 2016

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