The Christ is God who came as man in the flesh. When Christ appeared, people did not recognize him. And for the reason Christ is called the mystery in the bible. The last mystery is the second coming Christ who would come as man in the flesh. Then how can we recognize the Christ and receive the salvation?
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob–The bible is a book that contains knowledge about the salvation of God’s people. Then why does…
Secrets Hidden In Parable Passover The Tree Of Life–The Book of Genesis contains many secrets and mysteries in it. People…
Hidden Manna And Salvation–The bible says that people of God who are living in the life of agony and death…
A Magic Word, “Open Sesame!” Treasure of Kingdom of Heaven–In the story of “Alibaba and 40 Thieves,” there is a…
Eve, Reality of LIfe–Just as life is important for each of us physically, the spiritual life is the same. Especially,…
Melchizedek Ahnsanghong–We have already seen that Jesus fulfilled the prophecies of Melchizedek by bringing the bread and wine of the…
Christ And Living Water The bible teaches about the salvation in many ways. And the most common way used to…
Appearance of Spiritual Cyrus Spiritual Cyrus Christ Ahnsahnghong–We have seen about Cyrus the Great who freed God’s people from the…
King Cyrus the Great “…. I am Cyrus, king of the universe, the great king, the powerful king, the king…