Tag: a story

  • A Story: A Right Answer

    A student was working hard to prepare for a math test. But however much he tried, he could not understand anything. Moreover, the test was right next day. So he went to bed with his mind much disturbed by the test. Before laying himself down, he prayed to God so that he would get good score.


  • A Story: A True Miracle

    This is what actually happened in a world history class. The teacher of the class once had a chance to study the history of the Jews when they come out of Egypt. She did not believed in God and the bible, and she said in a discrediting way that the biblical description of the crossing of the Red Sea is completely untrue. To prove her points, she mentioned about the origin of the Red Sea and the name was originally “the Sea of Reeds,” and just as the reeds are growing in a shallow water, the part of the Red Sea the Israelites crossed was very shallow and the water reached only up to ankle. That is why it was possible even for a kid to cross the water.

    While she was explaining in that way, one of the students of the class said, “Amen” in a loud voice. He was believing in God and the bible. The Teacher got surprised and looked at the student and asked, “What did you say “Amen” for?” The Student replied in a confident voice. “It was because I saw the true miracle of God in your story.” The teacher who tried to discredit the bible got shocked and asked if he could explain the reason. And the student said, “If the water of the Red Sea the Jews crossed was so shallow that even the little kids could cross, how could all the warriors and soldiers of Egyptians who must have been all grown-ups and all the horses of the armies could get drowned in the water. If that happened, I can conclude it was only the work of God. God is the only one who could drown all the Egyptian armies in that shallow water. It is a true miracle of God.”

    After listening to the explanation of the student, the teacher could not say anything. How gracious is God giving wisdom to a young man like him to silence the wisdom of man!

    true miracle in history class
    Egyptian Chariot Remains under the Red Sea
  • A Good Story: The House In Heaven

    A rich man went to heaven.
    He looked around here and there and he found a beautiful house and said to the angel, “Who is the owner of the house?”
    “This is the house of the one who was working as servant at your house?”
    The rich man was surprised at the angel’s answer.
    “How that could be!!” He said, “How could he have such a nice house as this in Heaven?”
    The angel answered, “The house in Heaven is built with the materials sent from the earth. And this house was also built with the material he sent from the earth while he was living.”
    He walked a long way and he saw another house which looked old and very shabby.
    “Who in the world can live in this house?”
    The angel answered to the question of the rich man. “This is the house for you.”
    The rich man got surprised and shocked. “What? Why is my house so shabby?”
    The angel answered, “There is no error or mistake in the kingdom of God. This house was built with the very material you sent from the earth.”


    We can store up blessings whenever we give love and sacrifice to others by obeying the words and command of God through our good deeds. For the house to dwell forever what materials am I preparing while living?

    Matthew 16:27  For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father’s glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what he has done.

    A Story From My Page

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