Tag: Creation of Light

  • [WMSCOG] Day One: Creation of Light

    [WMSCOG] Day One: Creation of Light

    Let There Be Light–In Six Day Creation in the Book of Genesis, on the first day, God created light. As we have already seen in another post, this creation is not a literal creation, but a parable. Therefore, we must understand the Six Day Creation figuratively.

    On the first day creation, there are two important questions we must understand. First, when was the first day creation? When did God start his creation work? And second, what is the light that God created on the first day?

    Genesis 1:3 And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.

    The Beginning

    Let There Be Light–Then let us first think about the beginning of the creation work? To understand the time of beginning, we have to have a certain standard so that we can count days or years. The creation of light, heaven, mountains, rivers, oceans, animals, and birds—all these things cannot work as standard because the bible does not specify the exact time of the creation of those things. And we cannot date the time of the start of the creation through these things.

    But God allowed one creation through which we can count the date of the creation, that is, the creation of the man. With the creation of Adam, God started to count their exact ages so that we can date back to the time of creation. Many scholars worked on this and they unanimously agree that the creation of Adam took place about 6000 years ago, or around B.C. 4000. (Click HERE to find out more.) According to this calculation of the time, from the Creation of Adam to the time of Jesus’ coming, the Old Testament period was 4000 years. And From Jesus to present, it is about a little more than 2000 years.

    Scientific Complications

    Let There Be Light–Therefore, according to the biblical explanation, this heaven and earth have been created in no more than 6000 years ago. However, it is now commonsensical that this earth itself—let alone, the solar system and the whole universe—is far older thank this explanation. We can find scientific explanation about the creation of the earth and life in it in many different places like this one.

    This news article explains that the earth was created 4.5 billion years ago. (Wow!) And the first life appeared 3.8 billions ago; the first human species or Homo sapiens, 0.2 million years ago. It means that the first man Adam was created scientifically 200,000 years ago, not 6000 years ago. Therefore, if we try to understand the bible through this scientific perspective, the bible and its description of the creation is nonsensical. For this reason and many others, people tend to dismiss the idea of Six-Day Creation as myth.

    Parable of Six Day Creation

    Let There Be Light–However, the Six Day Creation should be read as parable like most of other words of God in the bible. The bible says that Jesus did not say anything without using a parable. (Matthew 13:34) It means God is using parables to teaching spiritual things by using the physical things. Just like the Lamb of God, the living water, the temple of God, etc, the Six Day Creation is also a parable.

    Through the Six Day Creation as model, God is showing us the whole history of God’s salvation work of six thousand years.

    2 Peter 3:8 But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.

    In the bible, even the numbers are also figurative and parabolic. For example, one day in the bible can represent one year prophetically. (Ezekiel 4:6) Likewise, prophetically one day can be read as “one thousand years”. In this sense, the Six Day Creation in Genesis represents “the Six Thousand Year’s Plan of God for our Salvation”.

    Let there be light
    Let Ther1e Be Light (Genesis 1:3)

    Day One: Let There Be Light

    Let There Be Light–This salvation work of God started with the creation of light in the time of Adam about six thousand years ago. The light God created on the first day was not the physical light or the sun that gives light to the day. But it was the spiritual light. Then what is the meaning of light?

    Paul explains the spiritual meaning of the Six Day Creation and let us know the meaning of the light. Then what is the light God created on the first day?

    2 Corinthians 4:4 The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. 5 For what we preach is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake. 6 For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” (Genesis 1:3) made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.

    Paul says that the light shone into the world was symbolically “the light of the gospel” or “the light of the KNOWLEDGE of God’s glory”. Even though there were biological humans living on the earth even before Adam, spiritually they are not considered as “spiritual man”. It was because they did not have “knowledge” of God through “the gospel”.

    When God first appeared to Adam and gave his words (the spiritual light), finally the first man in the spiritual sense came into existence. From this first man Adam, God started his salvation work.


    Let There Be Light–Up to the time of Adam, the whole world was under deep darkness without light. People did not have any knowledge of God and the words of God. They were living under a deep spiritual darkness. They were living their life like animals without the hope for the spiritual world.

    However, when finally God revealed his existence to Adam and Eve, the light of life and the light of God started to shone into the world through the gospel. From this moment, the Six Day Creation of God came to be known in the human society. And with the knowledge of God and his words as light, the human society started to wake up from the deep sleep and darkness.

    This was Day One of the creation work of God. And Day One expands from the time of Adam to the time of Noah for about 1656 years.

  • [WMSCOG] Six Day Creation: Introduction

    [WMSCOG] Six Day Creation: Introduction

    Meaning of Six Day Creation
    Creation of Adam

    The Meaning  Of Six Day Creation–The first chapter of the Book of Genesis speaks about the creation work of God and many people dismiss this chapter because scientifically or realistically many parts of the chapter do not match one another and do not make sense even in terms of the common senses.

    Figurative and Parabolic Meaning In Genesis

    Then what causes problems in understanding this Book of Genesis? God is perfect, and thus his words must be perfect. But why are there so many misunderstandings about the book? The problem is that the book just like all other books of the bible cannot be understood with common sense of man because it is intrinsically written in a figurative language.

    Matthew 13:34   Jesus spoke all these things to the crowd in parables; he did not say anything to them without using a parable. 35 So was fulfilled what was spoken through the prophet: “I will open my mouth in parables, I will utter things hidden since the creation of the world.”

    The Meaning  Of Six Day Creation–What Jesus did 2000 years ago was to reveal the hidden things since the creation of the world. But since the creation of the world is recorded in the Book of Genesis, it means the Book of Genesis contains hidden things that must be revealed. It means the book cannot be understood in the literal sense, but must be understood in a figurative sense. In other words, just like all other words of God in the bible the book itself is a parable. Then how should we understand the book?

    Some Obvious Contradictions in the Book of Genesis

    Creation of Light

    First, let us think about some of the contradicting parts in the book when it was interpreted literally. The most conflicting part is the day one and the day four when God is creating the light. In the Day One, God created light:

    Genesis 1:3   And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.”

    The Meaning  Of Six Day Creation–What is the light that gives light to day? It is the sun. Therefore, if we understand this Day one literally, we must say God created the sun on the first day. But in Day Four, God created another sun which does not make sens at all in the physical term.

    Genesis 1:16    God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars.

    The Meaning  Of Six Day Creation–Logically, what would be “the greater light to govern the day” which was created by God on the fourth day? Isn’t it the sun? Then are there two suns in our solar system? Scientifically, it is false to say there are two suns in the solar system. That is why people say that the creation in Genesis does not make sense at all.

    The True Meaning of Light

    Then how should we understand this? We must interpret the book figuratively. Then what is the light which was created on the first day? About this Paul let us know the figurative meaning behind it.

    2 Corinthians 4:6    For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.

    The Meaning  Of Six Day Creation–Paul quotes from the verse 3 of Genesis Chapter 1 and explains the meaning of the light. The light created on the first day is the light of the knowledge of God or the light of gospel that shone on the heart of people who accepted the gospel. Before the creation the world was in the complete darkness and there was no knowledge of God at that moment.
    But for the first time in human history, to Adam and Eve God revealed himself and let them know the true God who could give salvation through the knowledge of God. That knowledge of God that gives salvation appeared for the first time to human being and it was described as light figuratively. Also the light which was created on Day Four is also figurative lights. Then what are the lights that was created on the fourth day?

    Psalm 119:105   Your word is a lamp for my feet,
    a light on my path.

    What is the light in a figurative sense? It is the words of God. So on the fourth day, what was created God were actually two words of God: the Old Testament in the time of Moses and the New Testament in the time of Jesus.

    Creation of Mankind

    The Meaning  Of Six Day Creation–Let us take a look at another example which cannot be understood in the worldly viewpoint. The first man created by God were Adam and Eve and later they had sons, Cain and Abel. Out of hatred Cain killed Abel and at that moment, logically how many people should exist on the earth? Three, Adam, Eve and Cain. But right after Cain killed Abel, he was banished from the place he was living. But he was afraid of PEOPLE that might kill him when he left his hometown.

    Genesis 4:13     Cain said to the Lord, “My punishment is more than I can bear. 14 Today you are driving me from the land, and I will be hidden from your presence; I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, andwhoever finds me will kill me.”

    There should be only three of them at that moment, but surprisingly there are many living around them and after this verse Cain surprises us again by marrying a woman that should never be there at that moment.

    Genesis 4:17    Cain made love to his wife, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Enoch.

    The Meaning  Of Six Day Creation–Where is his wife from? Through all these things what we can understand is there were people living around the three of them already. The earth was not empty of people at the moment, but the bible itself shows that there were many people living around Adam and Eve. Then who were their contemporaries? Why are they not included the creation work of God? Why does the bible describe only Adam and his family as man, not others?

     How to Correctly Understand Genesis

    Figurative Meaning Of Mankind

    To understand this mystery we must understand the figurative meaning behind the word ‘man’ in the bible. Biologically many people were living on this earth at the time, but spiritually only three of them were considered as man in the eyes of God. Then who are man spiritually? Man are those who have the knowledge of God. When God shone his light, it was shone to Adam and his family and they came to have the knowledge of God. And they were considered as man spiritually.
    Then what about other people who did not have the knowledge of God who did not receive the light of gospel at the moment? They were not man in the spiritual sense? Then what were they? Jesus compares them to a pig or dog. In other words they are considered as animals in God’s eyes. When Peter saw a sheet that contained a lot of different unclean animals in a vision, he interpreted the meaning like this:

    Acts 11:18    When they heard this, they had no further objections and praised God, saying, “So then, even to Gentiles God has granted repentance that leads to life.”

    Man and Animal

    The Meaning  Of Six Day Creation–Those unclean animals or Gentiles also could receive the words of God and came to have the knowledge of God as Jews. When they have the light of knowledge of God, the animals could be changed into man and accepted as man. So those people who were living along with Adam and Eve could not be categorized as man in those days since they were not allowed to have the knowledge of God like Adam and Eve. These are just a few examples from the book, and actually all the contents of the book must be understood figuratively. Then how can we understand the book?

     Figurative Explanation About Six Day Creation

    The Six-Day Creation in the book is 6000 years of God’s salvation work in the spiritual sense. The bible teaches a day can be calculated as a 1000 years so according to this system 6 days are actually 6000 years. Then when was the starting point? It was the moment when God revealed himself to Adam and Eve. When he revealed his identity to man for the first time in human history, that was the moment he started his salvation work. So according to this creation work, the sixth day is the last day when God finished his work.
    The spiritual meaning is that God will work for the salvation for 6000 years from the time of Adam and he will finish his work of salvation after 6000 years. Therefore, we can say that Chapter 1 of Genesis is actually the blueprint for God’s salvation work and he was fulfilling all the creation work according to this plan.

    Six Day Creation as Contents of the Bible

    We can confirm this through the words of Prophet Isaiah.

    Isaiah 46:10   I make known the end from the beginning,
    from ancient times, what is still to come.
    I say, ‘My purpose will stand,
    and I will do all that I please.’

    The Meaning  Of Six Day Creation–He already foretold the end even from the beginning and therefore if we want to know about the end of God’s salvation work we must take a look at the beginning. Then what book is concerned with the beginning? It is the Book of Genesis. The book was a plan for God’s salvation and God is working according to his plan in the book of Genesis. Then let us find out the meanings of each day one by one so that we can understand the true meaning behind the book. And we can be sure that the Spirit and the Bride are actually our Savior who is coming in the last day of the creation, Our Father and Our Mother.
    All these teachings are coming from God Ahnsahnhong and Our Mother Heavenly Jerusalem. Let us give thanks to God Elohim for giving us the light of the knowledge of God to us Gentiles who were like animals and and making us man who can receive salvation.
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