Tag: Declaration of Heavenly Family Mission

  • The Declaration of Heavenly Family Mission

    The Declaration of Heavenly Family Mission

    TEL AVIV, ISRAEL – MAY 14: In this handout from the GPO, David Ben Gurion, who was to become Israel’s first Prime Minister, reads the Declaration of Independence May 14, 1948 at the museum in Tel Aviv, during the ceremony founding the State of Israel. (Photo by Zoltan Kluger/GPO via Getty Images) *** Local Caption *** David Ben Gurion

    Heavenly Mother opened 2023 by giving us a mission to complete as members of the heavenly family. She proclaimed the Declaration of the Heavenly Family Mission to all the people of Zion. And she encouraged us to make efforts to complete the mission by the end of the year.

    • We will complete the gospel mission of the heavenly kingdom.
    • We will find all the members of the lost heavenly family assigned to us.
    • We will make the whole world repent and lead them to heaven.

    On the Heavenly Parents Day, Mother reminded us of the mission given to us this year. In one video about the independence activists of Israel and Korea, Father Ahnsahnghong urged us to be the independence activists. He taught us that whatever happened in the past were given to us as copy and shadow. Through the examples of independence activists of Israel (or Zionists) and Korean independence activists he wanted to teach us to be the heavenly independence activists.

    Our Heavenly family members are currently under the spiritual Babylonian slavery. To free us from the slavery of sins and death, Father came down for the second time, and also Mother came. Through their life as model, they are teaching us that we must follow their example because we are the members of the heavenly family chosen by God. We as firstborns of the family must find our younger brothers and sisters, and also we must take care of them.

    Just as the Jews had two families, physical family and the Jewish people since they are their own kind. They have taken responsibility for one another considering a Jew as their own family member. We as a spiritual Jew also have two families: physical family and spiritual family (or the heavenly family). Father and Mother teach us to take responsibility for one another, taking care of every one of the heavenly family members that they may not suffer pain alone.

    The Jews had a hope and endured all the sufferings with the hope:

    L’Shana Haba’ah B’Yerushalayim
    לשנה הבאה בירושלים)

    It means “Next year in Jerusalem”. They understood that the cause of all the pains and sufferings that they had to go through as a Jew was in the fact that they have no country. From this realization, the Zionists worked hard to get their nation back and finally they could proclaim independence in 1948.

    This history of the physical Jew was given to us as example. As a spiritual Jew, we must also work for the heavenly kingdom our home by finding all our brothers and sisters scattered around the world. In the course of time, we might have to go through many difficulties, but this is the mission given by Father and Mother.

    “Next year in the Kingdom of Heaven”

    This must be our hope and we must endure this painful life with the hope for heaven. Father and Mother teaches us to be the sons who will be the heirs of heaven by taking part in the gospel work. Father gives us a lesson: The heavenly patriot is the true prophet. As prophets of God, Father and Mother wants us to work for the independence of the heavenly family.

    Father earnestly urges us to work for the gospel by saying, “Restoring the truth is like restoring the country”. He is teaching us that we are the independence workers and our mission is in preaching the truth of the new covenant. To the heavenly family members, Mother gave us a mission: Complete the gospel work and restore the kingdom of heaven by finding all our heavenly family. And then we can go back to heaven, our eternal home. Even though we are nothing—we are like a child, God is calling us to be the workers giving us an errand:

    Matthew 28:28 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

    Once a Korean poet described his life on this earth like this: “I was born on this earth to do the errand of mother, and now finishing the errand I have come back to mother”. Our life is like this. We came here to do the work of God and finishing all the work we will go back to Father and Mother. Mother is waiting for us without any rest. She is in worries until we come back safely after completing the errand. Let us finish all the errands assigned to us and go back swiftly to Mother and tell her that we have completed the mission and found all our heavenly family members.

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