Tag: Korean Pop-Song

  • Lost Time of 30 Years-A Song

    This is the song sung during the TV program, “Finding Family Scattered.” This song tells stories of the second generation who was living during the 1980s about 30 years after the war without reuniting with their family members and who finally could meet their family members. Even though the younger generation or the siblings could meet together, but many of the previous generation died during the 30 year time period after their scattering and could not have the chance to meet their children. This song tells the stories of the reunited family members crying for their lost parents.


    In the rain, snow or the wind, the long waited 30 years,
    How many times did I cried without having anybody to lean on?
    Now even though we, brothers gather together sharing the love we could not have had,
    Father and Mother, where are you? 
    I cry out for you, missing you.

    Would it be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, 30 years of waiting with tears
    How much did I cry out of sorrow for forgetting even the name of my hometown,
    Now even though we, sisters gather together sharing the love we could not have had,
    Father and Mother, where are you? 
    I cry out for you, missing you.

    비가오나 눈이오나 바람이부나 그리웠던 30년 세월
    여지할 곳 없는 이몸 서러워하며 그 얼마나 울었던가요
    우리 형제 이제라도 다시 만나서 못다한정 나누는데
    어머니 아버지 그 어디에계십니까
    목메이게 불러 봅니다.

    내일일까 모래일까 기다린것이 눈물 맺힌 30년 세월
    고향 이름 잊은 세월 서러워하며 그 얼마나 울었던가요
    우리 남매 이제라도 다시 만나서 못다한정 나누는데
    어머니 아버지 그 어디에계십니까
    목메이게 불러 봅니다.

    For the last 6000 years, the spiritual family got scattered from heaven. Without knowing their names, hometown, spiritual Parents and family members, they lived life of pain and suffering on this earth calling out help with tears. Now finally, our Father and Mother came to gather us together and calling out our name and telling us to come back to our hometown. Brothers and sisters, listen to Father and Mother! Come back to Zion! All our sorrows will turn into joy and all our pain would be comforted over our Mother’s love.

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