Tag: Mother’s Prayer

  • [WMSCOG] 2017 The Day of New Jerusalem Event

    [WMSCOG] 2017 The Day of New Jerusalem Event

    General Pastor’s Teaching

    DAY OF NEW JERUSALEM–On November 11 2017, the World Mission Society Church Of God (WMSCOG) held “The Day of New Jerusalem Event” to commemorate the coming of Heavenly Mother New Jerusalem down to this earth as man in the flesh to give us salvation. Heavenly Mother invited title holders and leaders of male-adult members of the church, youth and student leader members, teachers, and gospel workers to Okcheon Go-And-Come Institute to celebrate the event.

    During the event General Pastor emphasized that we are the true children of God because we have God the Mother who can give us eternal life. He explained briefly that we are the true members of the heavenly family through the sermon “Heavenly Family and Earthly Family.” Also, he said that the whole world was under the deep darkness before the coming of Mother. When Mother appeared to us and started to shine the glory of God, the darkness finally receded.

    He taught us that we now should take this glory of Heavenly Mother Jerusalem to the people who are still living in the darkness. And also he told us about the attitude of gospel workers. He began by saying the role of Mother in the gospel work. He told us that we should not think that Mother has come down to us to support us our gospel work.

    Mother Is The Protagonist Of Gospel

    DAY OF NEW JERUSALEM–And he told us that Mother is the leader of the gospel. She has come to us to save us through the gospel work, not to help and support us. As an example, he gave us one story in the bible. Immediately after the Israelites came out from Egypt, they had to face a big challenge in their journey in the desert, the war against the Amalekites. In this war, the Israelites could win in this war not because of the war hero Joshua, who actually led the people in the war, but because of Moses who was on top of the mountain holding up the hands.

    It is the same with the gospel work. Even though it seems that gospel workers are the ones who go out for preaching and bear fruits, actually this can happen because of Heavenly Mother’s prayers for the children. Heavenly Mother prays for us continuously without stopping so that we can keep the faith and bear fruits. Without Mother’s help and prayer, we cannot do anything.

    However, sometimes we as gospel workers are prone to think that we have done this and that. We are prone to put ourselves as leader of the gospel work, thinking Mother as supporter. But this is completely wrong. Rather, Mother is the protagonist of the gospel and we are just servants who are doing whatever errands Mother has given us. As soon as we try to put ourselves as protagonists for the gospel, we will fail. With these words he urged us to complete the mission given to us by shining the glory of Heavenly Mother as beacon.

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