There are many prophecies in the bible. Then why did God record many prophecies in the bible? What is the purpose of the prophecies of the bible? 2000 years ago, Jesus came to fulfill all the prophecies of the Old Testament. And he gave many prophecies concerning his second coming and the end of the age. Matthew 24 records the prophecies of the end time that Jesus gave 2000 years ago. Also he prophesied about his dying on the cross in advance.
Matthew 16:21 From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life.
In this teaching, he prophesied what would happen to him later such his dying on the cross and his resurrection in three days. And the prophecies got fulfilled as he foretold in advance. And also he taught the reason why he gave the prophecies.
John 14:29 I have told you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will believe.
He teaches that he gave the prophecies in advance so that we might believe. In other words, he gave the prophecies so that we can have faith in him and the words of God in the bible.
If we look at the bible, we can see many prophecies such as the prophecies of kingdoms which was to come in the Book of Daniel, and the prophecies about the appearance of the Devil in the last days. And God fulfilled all the prophecies without missing anything.
Then what is the reason? It is because he wanted to give us firm faith in him and the prophecies of the bible. Just as the prophecies got fulfilled without any fail up until now, the rest of the prophecies which have been left unfulfilled will come true at God’s appointed time. And we have to believe that the remaining prophecies will be fulfilled too.
We should listen to the earnest voice of God and have faith in them that they will come true according to the prophecies of the bible. And we have to obey the words of God which God gave us for our salvation.