God the Mother in Christianity
Even for the people knowledgeable in the bible, it is hard to believe the existence of God the Mother. This idea seems to be new and strange. And since it is not an commonsensical idea based on the traditional teachings of the Christianity, people tend to think that the idea is nonsensical and blasphemous.
However, the existence of God the Mother is recorded even from the beginning of the bible. 2000 years ago, when Jesus came and preached the gospel, people thought that the idea of God’s coming as man is nonsensical and nontraditional, they refused to accept the teachings of Jesus Christ. However, Jesus is God who came as man in the flesh and he was prophesied in the bible even from the beginning. It is the same today.
The Parable of the Sun, Moon, and Stars
The bible gives one parable to teach us the appearance of God the Mother. Joseph was one of 12 sons of Jacob and he was the youngest one among them. Just like any father who cherishes the youngest son, Jacob loved Joseph more than any sons of his.
And one day Joseph told his dream to his family and this incident aroused much anger from other siblings. Finally, his old brothers took Joseph and sold him as slave. The dream of Joseph is interesting in many ways. This is the dream:
Genesis 37:9 Then he had another dream, and he told it to his brothers. “Listen,” he said, “I had another dream, and this time the sun and moon and eleven stars were bowing down to me.”
The meaning of the dream was interpreted by Jacob. The sun, moon, and stars signify the father (Jacob), the mother, and his brothers. Joseph’s dream foretold that his family would come to him and bow down to him.

The Glory of God the Father and God the Mother
This story has many interesting points to think about. Today, let us focus on the comparison of the heavenly bodies to the family system. According to this teaching of the bible, each heavenly body corresponds to a member in the family. This connotation can be applied spiritually, not just in the physical sense.
The Sun signifies the father, the moon the Mother, and the stars children respectively. The relationship between the heavenly bodies reveals that of the family members. Apostle Paul also compares the family members to the heavenly bodies and explains their glory.
1 Corinthians 15:41 The sun has one kind of splendor, the moon another and the stars another; and star differs from star in splendor.
The splendor or the glory of the sun can mean the glory of God the Father; the glory of the moon that of God the Mother; and the glory of stars that of the children. According to this comparison, the glory of God the Father and the glory of God the Mother and the Glory of the children of God are all different. Then how are they different? The light of the sun is the brightest and when there is the sun on the sky, we cannot see the light of the moon or stars. The moon and the stars are still there in the sky, but we cannot see their lights because they are outshone by the light of the sun.
However, when the light of the sun sets, we can see the lights of the moon and the stars. What is the meaning of this comparison? For the glory of God the Mother to be revealed, the glory of God the Father was to be dimmed. Only after the glory of God the Father was eclipsed, the glory of God the Mother can appear. And along with God the Mother, the glory of the stars or the children of God can be revealed.
For this reason, Christ Ahnsahnghong already prophesied the appearance of God the Mother long before the fulfillment. In one book, he foretold that one child would appear after him. And though the fulfillment of the heavenly wedding banquet, he officially revealed God the Mother. By teaching us “I follow Mother”, he finally revealed the glory of God the Mother.
And through the death of his body, not his Spirit since his Spirit went back to heaven after the death of his body, he wanted to reveal the glory of God the Mother and the children of God. Since the ascension of Christ Ahnsahnghong, the light of God the Mother has started to shine throughout the world.
According to the prophecies of the bible hidden in the parable of the sun, moon, and the stars, the glory of the moon or God the Mother can be revealed only by overshadowing the light of the sun. I give thanks and honor to Father and Mother for fulfilling all the prophecies to give us faith.