[EVENT] The 100th Anniversary Of the Birth of Christ Ahnsahnghong

100th Year of Christ Ahnsahnghong's Coming

2018 Commemoration Service Of Father’s Coming

100th Year of Christ Ahnsahnghong’s Coming–On January 14, 2018, the Church of God held a ceremony to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Christ Ahnsahnghong. Christ Ahnsahnghong was born in 1918, and this year 2018 is exactly the 100th year after his birth. To celebrate this event we held a commemoration service in the presence of the Heavenly Mother and General Pastor at Go And Come Institute in Okcheon.

100th Year of Christ Ahnsahnghong's Coming
The city of Busan has changed since Father’s time. This is the picture of Haeundae where once Father lived during and after the Korean war. However, now we cannot find any trace of war or poverty in this outwardly prosperous city.

Mother’s Teaching

100th Year of Christ Ahnsahnghong’s Coming–In the ceremony, Mother mainly said that the gospel of 2017 was amazingly successful and we reached the goal we had set at the beginning of the year 2017. And she said that we could accomplish this result due to our unity and harmony, and our dedication for the gospel work.

The bible says, “In its time I (God) will do this swiftly”. (Isa 60:22) As the prophecy says, Father is helping us so that this gospel work could be accomplished swiftly. Once there was a time when the accomplishment was slow, however, now is the time when it is going to be fulfilled swiftly. Every words of God has the time of fulfillment.

She also said that many things on this earth is malfunctioning, signifying the imminent catastrophic disasters coming to us. As we can see signs in weather, climate, natural and manmade disasters, the earth has lost its power to regulate itself.

The Meaning Of 2018: 100th Year of Christ Ahnsahnghong’s Coming

100th Year of Christ Ahnsahnghong’s Coming–And she said that 2018 is the 100th year of Christ’s coming to this earth for the salvation of our souls. And she added, “Don’t you think that this would be a meaningful year?”

Heavenly Mother explained some meaning behind the number 100. The highest score one could get is 100. Therefore, 100 represents “perfection” and “completion”. And also the water boils at the temperature of 100. At 99 degree Celsius (210 F) nothing happens to the water. When the water reaches 100 (or 212 F), however, the water starts to boil and becomes gas. This would be the same with the gospel of 2018. In 2018, the gospel of 7 billion would be completed and accomplished.

Matthew 24:13 but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

After the completion of the gospel, finally we would be able to go back to the kingdom of heaven. She said that we must also prepare ourselves to go back to heaven. We must prepare our oil 100 percent and we also must make our faith perfect. Everything must be made perfect: our faith, our love, our obedience, our patience, our unity, etc…

100th Year of Christ Ahnsahnghong's Coming
Recently, I saw a camellia blooming in a cold winter day. And I could remember the sacrifices of Father and Mother for us sinners. Thanks to Father and Mother forever and ever.

History Movie

100th Year of Christ Ahnsahnghong’s Coming–And also in the second part of the celebration we saw many movies. First, we saw the greeting for the 100th year of Christ’s coming from a lot of Zion members from all around the world. And we also watched a history movie of the church of God and Father Ahnsahnghong. It started from 1918 about a man who appeared according to the parable of the fig tree.

Matthew 24:31  “Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. 33 Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it[e] is near, right at the door.

And it featured all the major events in the history of the Church of God: Father’s baptism in 1948, the establishment of the Church of God 1964, Father’s Ascension in 1985, and after. The movie gave me so many realizations about Father’s sacrifices during the colonial time of Korea (1918-1945), the Korean civil war (1950-1953), the economic hardship at the wake. I came to realize again how much Father sacrificed for the church and gospel during these turbulent times in Korean History.

I enjoyed the part when General Pastor explained about the last Passover Christ Ahnsahnghonng kept in 1984. He explained the realizations of the event one by one. Even though he did not know the reason at that time, now he finally could understand seemingly inexplicable things Christ Ahnsahnghong commanded at that time.


100th Year of Christ Ahnsahnghong’s Coming–While explaining about the sacrifice of Father, Mother could not continue and had to stop several times because of the grief and sorry she felt for Father. At the end of the service Mother told us not to complain or grumble, but always give thanks to God. And she encouraged us to work for the gospel for the eternal glory in heaven. And General Pastor encouraged us to work together in unity and harmony to perfect the gospel work into 100 percent.

In 2017, the gospel work for 7,000 regions came true under the grace of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. This year we have another mission of establishing 70,000 Zions in all the cities around the world. This gospel work will also be accomplished with the help of God Elohim. Now let us prepare ourselves with 100 percent faith and 100 percent unity. Then Father and Mother will help us to finish this last gospel work. And just as Mother told us not to complain or grumble. Instead let us always give thanks to God.


4 responses to “[EVENT] The 100th Anniversary Of the Birth of Christ Ahnsahnghong”

  1. Nenita Avatar

    Jesus came to this earth again with a new name according to the prophecy in the Bible. I’ve got to know that the new name is Ahnsahnghong after thorough studying of the Bible. He fulfilled all the prophecies about the 2nd Coming Christ and brought back the lost truths of life(the New Covenant Passover) to us in order to give us salvation. It has already passed 100 years since he came as a man. All thanks and glory to Him, My God, Father.

  2. Jen Avatar

    It’s unbelievable.already There are 7,000 churches, but the goal is to establish 70,000? This year? How wonderful! I pray that it will be fulfilled by Elohim God.

  3. Jen Avatar

    It’s unbelievable.already There are 7,000 churches, but the goal is to establish 70,000? This year? How wonderful! I pray that it will be fulfilled by Elohim God.

  4. Nenita Avatar

    Jesus came to this earth again with a new name according to the prophecy in the Bible. I’ve got to know that the new name is Ahnsahnghong after thorough studying of the Bible. He fulfilled all the prophecies about the 2nd Coming Christ and brought back the lost truths of life(the New Covenant Passover) to us in order to give us salvation. It has already passed 100 years since he came as a man. All thanks and glory to Him, My God, Father.

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