The Purpose of the Bible

Purpose of the bible

What is the purpose of the bible?

Probably the question above is the most important one we have to ask when we read a book? What is the main topic? What does the author intend to deliver through this book? These are the most basic questions we ask when we read any books. It is the same with the bible. When God gave us this book, God must have his intention in it and we should know what is the purpose of God in giving this book to us. In this way, we can grasp the true meaning of the bible.

When we don’t think about this point, we can get lost in the words on the pages and wander around the things that are not important for us to know. In this way, some try to understand history, others parables, and still others moral lessons from the bible. But if these are not the intention of the writer, then we are missing the most important thing from this book even though we might get some knowledge through our reading.

Prophet Hosea writes:

Hosea 8:12 I wrote for them the many things of my law, but they regarded them as something foreign.

This means God wrote these words for the benefit of us. Therefore, we have to understand the meaning of the bible for our benefit. Then what is the purpose of the bible? What is the reason God gave us this book? Let us find out the meaning of the bible through the words of God in the bible. Apostles and prophets who received these words from the bible teach clearly to us about the main intention and purpose of the bible. Apostle John writes about the deed and words of Christ in this way.

John 21:25 Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.

This is true. God could have written thousands upon thousands books to teach us about everything: history, secrets, parables, moral lessons, etc. Anyway, God is God of wisdom and knowledge. And we are so much ignorant. How many would there be God wants to let us know!! However, He did not do that. He compiled only small part of His work and deed and gave us this book. This means this book has a specific intention of God which we have to understand. Then what is it? John let us know the intention of God. He writes:

John 20:30 Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. 31 But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.

He clearly says that Jesus did much more than what is recorded in this book. Nevertheless, he recorded only small part of Jesus’ work and that part is specifically related to a topic, that is, “life” or eternal life. Through this we can understand God gave us the bible with this in mind: he wanted to teach us about the Savior and about the eternal life that we may have through the faith in the Savior.

This is the main purpose of the bible. Therefore, what we have to seek is the Savior who gives us eternal life and the way we can receive eternal life. Now let us find out the Savior in this Age of the Holy Spirit and the way we can receive eternal life from them.

Revelation 22:17 The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.

The bible teaches that we have to meet the Spirit and the Bride for the water of eternal life. The ultimate purpose of reading the bible, therefore, must be finding the Spirit and the Bride who give the water of life. Who are the Spirit and the Bride? God gave us this book to give us answer to this question. I hope you would find the answer through the bible.


6 responses to “The Purpose of the Bible”

  1. Alejandro S Avatar
    Alejandro S

    Amen! 6,000 year long parting!

    1. james Avatar

      Amen. Finally, Father and Mother came to fulfill the prophecies of the bible to gather together all the children. We should give all thanks and honor to God.

  2. Avalisa Louise Avatar
    Avalisa Louise

    Wow! Thanks for posting! One bible verse came to mind when reading this is John 5:39 “You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me,”
    Many Pharisees and religious leaders who were experts of the bible in that time failed to receive Christ whom the bible testifies about.
    ‭Like this …without knowing the purpose and intent of the bible we come to be easily lost in the many messages of the bible and ultimately we fail to receive salvation.
    Let’s press on to know only God through the words of God (bible) this is the only way we can come to realise who are our saviours are in this age (Rev 22.17)

    1. james Avatar

      That is true. The whole bible is meant to testify about the Savior who gives us eternal life. God bless you.

  3. Douglas edge Avatar
    Douglas edge

    Please share your post on my group page named Requesting Prayers on Facebook Doug Edge Sr.

    1. lastadamandeve Avatar

      It is so kind of you to allow to share my post. I’d love to. Also, if you think of sharing any of my posts on your social media, please feel free to do so. I would be glad if you do so. Thank you.

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