The Eternal Home We Must Go Back

100 years of life

At the age of 60, I am sent to come backTell him I am still young and I cannot come.
At the age of 70, I am sent to come back, Tell him I still have many things to do and I cannot come. At the age of 80 I am sent to come back Tell him I am still durable and I cannot come.
At the age of 90 I am sent to come back Tell him I will come when I am ready and don’t urge me to do so.
At the age of 100 I am sent to come back, Tell him I will come when the time and day is favorable.

 At the age of 80, I am sent to come back,Tell him that I am upset and I cannot come.
At the age of 90, I am sent to come back,Tell him why I am sent again and I will come when I am ready.
At the age of 100, I am sent to come back, Tell him I am looking for a day to go to paradise.
At the age of 150, I am sent to come back, Tell him I am already in paradise.

This is the lyric of one famous K-Pop. In this song, she keep saying to the messenger sent by God to bring her soul back to heaven to tell God that she is not ready yet and at the end she refuse to come to God, but wants to live forever comforting herself that this world is paradise. There is a Korean say given to teach us the importance of life: A living dog is better than a dead prime minister. Life is so precious to us. That is why in this song even though her life on this earth is not favorable with many difficulties and hardships, but she comforts herself saying I am already in paradise. Isn’t living better than death even though it is full of sorrow and tears? This song is the wish everybody has on this earth and nobody wants to die since they think death is the end and there is nothing after. But the bible teaches differently.

Ecclesiastes 12:7  And the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.

Even though our body (dust) which was taken out of the dust of ground goes back to the dust of the ground, but the bible says our spirit still exists and goes back to God who is in heaven. I means when we leave the physical body behind on this earth, we will go back to eternal heaven where our Creator is. That is why King Solomon says that we must remember the spiritual world we will go back.

Ecclesiastes 12:5  Then man goes to his eternal home and mourners go about the streets. Remember him–before the silver cord is severed, or the golden bowl is broken.

Before we die, we must remember God and Heaven, and we must prepare to enter the spiritual home which is eternal and everybody lives forever. Then how can we prepare to go back to heaven? Solomon continues to say, “Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.” God gave us his commandments to lead us back to the eternal home. To go back to the place, we must remember where we came from and how we can go back there again. All the story is recorded in the bible to let us know our origin and the meaning of our life on this earth and the spiritual world we will face after our life.

Hebrews 11:15  If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return. Instead, they were longing for a better country–a heavenly one.

Only those who remember the place they came from and make efforts to get there will have chance to go back to our spiritual home. It is the home of our soul that we must go back after we take off our physical body. Let us remember our origin and make effort to find the way back home. And let us eagerly wait for the day when we will go back to the place where there is no pain, sorrow, tears, and nor is there death anymore. When we realize our true home, then we will scorn this miserable life on this earth and eagerly start our journey to the spiritual home. Then we will be able to say boldly like Paul.

Philippians 1:23  I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body.

He eagerly wanted to put aside this earthly tent of body to receive the eternal body in heaven. We will also go back to that eternal world. God teaches us to remember the spiritual home and follow his commands to get there. To teach us the way to the kingdom of heaven, the second coming Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother, our spiritual Father and Mother came down to this earth. If we had known the way back, they would not have come. But since we don’t know and sing along “Tell him I will not come,” out of ignorance, God came down to us and teaches us that there is far better world waiting for us and tell us to go there together. We should look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. (2Pe 3:12)

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