Adam’s Flesh and Blood
According to the bible Adam represents Christ, but then who does Eve represent? Let us find out the answer for this question through the teachings of Christ. 2000 years ago, Jesus said, “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life,” and gave the new covenant of the Passover through which we would be able to receive the flesh and blood of Christ and eternal life. But there is something more in this teaching of Christ.
Jesus Teaches in Parables
Matthew 13:34 Jesus spoke all these things to the crowd in parables; he did not say anything to them without using a parable.
A parable is a figurative language which contains hidden secrets in it. It means all the teachings of Jesus was given in the parabolic term and those teachings contain some hidden meaning in it. Then we can easily assume that there must be also some secret meaning behind this teaching of Jesus about his flesh and blood. To understand the secret hidden in the Passover, we must understand the story of Adam.
Hidden Secret in the Flesh and Blood of Christ
Jesus and Adam
Romans 5:14 14 Nevertheless, death reigned from the time of Adam to the time of Moses, even over those who did not sin by breaking a command, as did Adam, who is a pattern of the one to come.
Adam was given to us as pattern to teach us about “the one who was to come.” Then who is “the one to come”? According to the prophecies of the bible, ‘the one to come’ is Christ who was to come or appear two times. It means Adam was actually given to us as type to show the Christ who was to come in the future. Therefore, by looking at Adam in the Old Testament we can actually know who the Christ would be who was to come as spiritual Adam.
Jesus’ Flesh and Blood Hidden in the Story of Adam
Eve the Flesh and Blood of Adam
Therefore, to know the meaning of Jesus’ flesh and blood we must first look at Adam. Adam represents Christ so Adam’s flesh and blood means Christ’s flesh and blood. Through Adam’s flesh and blood, we can come to know the reality of Christ’s flesh and blood. Then what is Adam’s flesh and blood? Let us take a look at the story of Adam?
When God created Eve, he used Adam’s bone and flesh. Actually, “bone” represents blood because the blood is produced from the marrow inside the bones. After creating Eve with Adam’s flesh and bone (or blood), Adam testified like this:
Genesis 2:23 23 The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.”
When Eve was brought to Adam, Adam testified to Eve as his flesh and blood.

The Reality of the Flesh and Blood of the Christ
So through this story of Adam we can see the reality of Christ’s flesh and blood which gives eternal life to those who eat them. Just as Jesus represents Adam, Christ’s flesh and blood represents Eve, Adam’s wife who was created with Adam’s flesh and blood.
Through the story of Adam actually God was teaching us the wife of the spiritual Adam the Christ who can give us the eternal life. Then when is the time for Eve to appear? Let us study the story of Adam a little bit more.
Eve Represents God the Mother the Spiritual Last Eve
Creation of Eve
When God created Eve, first he put Adam into a deep sleep and took his flesh and blood to create Eve.
Genesis 2:21 21 So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and then closed up the place with flesh. 22 Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.
Before the creation of Eve, first Adam must be put into a deep sleep and then Eve could be revealed. In the same way, for the wife of Christ, the spiritual Adam to be revealed, first Christ must be put into a deep sleep. And the side of Christ must be opened to break the rib bone and flesh so that the spiritual Eve could be created. What does it mean that Christ must be put into a deep sleep?
John 11:11 11 After he had said this, he went on to tell them, “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep; but I am going there to wake him up.” 12 His disciples replied, “Lord, if he sleeps, he will get better.” 13 Jesus had been speaking of his death, but his disciples thought he meant natural sleep. 14 So then he told them plainly, “Lazarus is dead.”
To talk about the death of Lazarus, at first Jesus used a figurative language, ‘sleeping’ and then later explained to the disciples in a plain language without using a parable that he is dead. So spiritually sleeping means ‘death.’
The Appearance of the Spiritual Eve, the Bride of Christ
For the creation of Eve, Adam must be put into a deep sleep and this means that for the wife of Christ to be revealed Christ must be first put to death and his side must be broken open. 2000 years ago we can clearly see how Jesus fulfilled this prophecy of Adam when he came for the first time.
John 19:33 But when they came to Jesus and found that he was already dead, they did not break his legs. Instead, one of the soldiers pierced Jesus’ side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water.
The spiritual Adam, Jesus was figuratively put into a deep sleep and while he was sleeping his side was broken open and his rib bone was broken producing blood. Through his death on the cross he fulfilled the prophecy of Adam to reveal Eve, his true flesh and blood.
The Appearance of the Last Adam and Last Eve
Eve Means “Life”
Then why should Eve be revealed? Because she is the one who was created to give “Life” to people. The name, Eve means “LIFE,” and even from the beginning God planned the life through Eve.
Genesis 3:20 Adam named his wife Eve, because she would become the mother of all the living.
In the meaning of Eve in the Hebrew word is “Living or Life.” Even from the beginning God created Eve to give life. Without Eve, the Mother of all the Living, there can never be any life for the living in the spiritual sense. This was also prophecy about the Christ’s wife who would be revealed as the source of life. Through the sacrifice of Christ God fulfilled the prophecy of Adam and his death so that Eve, Adam’s flesh and blood could be created.
The Time of the Appearance of Eve
Then when would Eve appear? Since she is Adam’s wife, she would appear along with her husband Adam, that is, the Second Coming Christ who was to appear in the last days. And in the book of Revelation, the bible says that Christ, the Last Adam will appear with his wife, the Last Eve in the last days.
Revelation 19:7 Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready.
When the Lamb is coming for the second time in the last days, he is coming along with his wife, the last Eve.
The Purpose of the Appearance of the Last Eve
Then what is the purpose of Eve’s coming? To give life as the mother of all the living. 2000 years ago Jesus gave his flesh and blood through the Passover bread and wine until the reality of the flesh and blood of Christ be revealed in the last days. By revealing Eve in the last days, God is teaching that the reality of Christ’s flesh and blood that gives eternal life is actually the wife of Christ, the Last Eve, the Mother of all the living.
Who is the Last Eve, the Bride of Christ?
If we look at Revelation 21:9, the bible teaches us the bride and wife of Christ is the Heavenly Jerusalem coming down from heaven. And Paul teaches the reality of the Heavenly Jerusalem and says, “But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our Mother.” The heavenly Jerusalem is our Mother or the Mother of the living. Here “Our” means God’s people who will receive eternal life and they must have spiritual Mother who can grant them eternal life.
This prophecy was already fulfilled by Christ Ahnsahnghong who came as the Last Adam and Our Mother Heavenly Jerusalem who came as the bride of the Lamb, the Last Eve. Christ Ahnsahnghong taught us that Mother is the one who can give us eternal life and we must listen to Mother for the life. Thanks to heavenly Father and Mother for their great love and sacrifice!!
12 responses to “[WMSCOG] Adam’s Flesh And Blood”
GBU! great articles thanks to Elohim!
I have a question please,
how do we explain… in the article it was mentioned that Christ’s rib had to be broken in order to reveal spiritual eve, how do we harmonize that with no broken bones since Christ is the passover lamb?
When we think about the time of Jesus crucifixion, his hands and feet was nailed. At that time, we can easily imagine that some parts of the bones from his hands and feet must have broken, right? However, just because that nobody says that Jesus didnot fulfill the prophecy that no bones should be broken. I think it is the same with his rib bone.
The bottomline is that the bones related to the prophecy is not general bones, but specific bones that is leg bones. Anyway when Jesus was pierced on his side, his body of temple, which represents the Holy Place were torn down, opening the way to the Most Holy Place, God the Mother.
I hope that this would make sense to you. GBU!
A good question, but I cannot give a proper or a definite answer. To answer this question I think you should have someone who knows things about Jewish customs of cooking a lamb in the traditional way.
First, let me make sure that this is my guess. To roast a lamb on a spit properly, the very first thing, I think, is to get rid of intestines and legs. Therefore, in normal cases, I guess, customarily they cut off the legs and they broke open the rib bones. In this process, their legs must be broken.
So when the bible says that no bones should be broken for the Passover lamb, it indicates specifically, I think, “the leg bones.” That is why the bible says that the soldiers did not break the leg of Jesus unlike the other two robbers, whose leg bones got broken to make it easy for them to die. And the bible says this happened to fulfill the prophecy of the bible, “no bones should be broken.” (John 19:36)
But the bones related to the prophecy of Adam are different in my opinion. According to the prophecy of Adam, Adam’s rib bone must be broken to create Eve. So the prophecy can be read more specifically like this: “None of its (leg) bones must be broken.” As I told you before, to understand this problem more correctly, we should have someone who is knowledgeable in the traditional ewish way of cooking a lamb for daily purposes and Passover.
This is the only answer I can give to you. God bless you.
God bless you!….thanks for the reply, makes perfect sense now why the roman guards didn’t break Jesus’s legs…so by understanding what the meaning of “no broken bones” (prophetically) its easy to understand…. what we may think of broken bones isn’t necessarily what the prophecy considers as broken bones….
God bless you!….thanks for the reply, makes perfect sense now why the roman guards didn’t break Jesus’s legs…so by understanding what the meaning of “no broken bones” (prophetically) its easy to understand…. what we may think of broken bones isn’t necessarily what the prophecy considers as broken bones….
GBU! great articles thanks to Elohim!
I have a question please,
how do we explain… in the article it was mentioned that Christ’s rib had to be broken in order to reveal spiritual eve, how do we harmonize that with no broken bones since Christ is the passover lamb?
When we think about the time of Jesus crucifixion, his hands and feet was nailed. At that time, we can easily imagine that some parts of the bones from his hands and feet must have broken, right? However, just because that nobody says that Jesus didnot fulfill the prophecy that no bones should be broken. I think it is the same with his rib bone.
The bottomline is that the bones related to the prophecy is not general bones, but specific bones that is leg bones. Anyway when Jesus was pierced on his side, his body of temple, which represents the Holy Place were torn down, opening the way to the Most Holy Place, God the Mother.
I hope that this would make sense to you. GBU!
A good question, but I cannot give a proper or a definite answer. To answer this question I think you should have someone who knows things about Jewish customs of cooking a lamb in the traditional way.
First, let me make sure that this is my guess. To roast a lamb on a spit properly, the very first thing, I think, is to get rid of intestines and legs. Therefore, in normal cases, I guess, customarily they cut off the legs and they broke open the rib bones. In this process, their legs must be broken.
So when the bible says that no bones should be broken for the Passover lamb, it indicates specifically, I think, “the leg bones.” That is why the bible says that the soldiers did not break the leg of Jesus unlike the other two robbers, whose leg bones got broken to make it easy for them to die. And the bible says this happened to fulfill the prophecy of the bible, “no bones should be broken.” (John 19:36)
But the bones related to the prophecy of Adam are different in my opinion. According to the prophecy of Adam, Adam’s rib bone must be broken to create Eve. So the prophecy can be read more specifically like this: “None of its (leg) bones must be broken.” As I told you before, to understand this problem more correctly, we should have someone who is knowledgeable in the traditional ewish way of cooking a lamb for daily purposes and Passover.
This is the only answer I can give to you. God bless you.