Tag: Lamb and Bride

  • God The Mother: In The Creation Of Adam And Eve

    God The Mother: In The Creation Of Adam And Eve

    During the six day creation of God in Genesis, the last thing that was created man. And the bible says that the creation of man was given to us to teach us about the invisible image of God. If we look at man in the book of Genesis, God created man into two different images: male and female, both of which were fashioned after the very image of God. Through the first man Adam and first woman Eve, God is teaching us the spiritual Adam and Eve. Then who are the spiritual Adam and Eve? And why do they need to be created?

    The Spiritual Adam

    Genesis 1:27  So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

    When God created man, God put his invisible image into the creation of man. According to the creation work of God, both male and female were made to represent the image of God. The first man Adam was created according to the male image of God, who we call “God the Father.” Then who was Eve created to represent? It must be the female image of God, that is, God the Mother.

    Adam and Eve
    Creation of Adam: Instead of saying, “Let there be a man”, God said, “Let us make man in our image and in our likeness”. Among all the creations, why did God give man the image of God? What does God want ot teach us through the creation of man?

    Let us confirm this through the bible. First, let us look at the purpose of God in the creation of Adam. Nothing was created without any purpose or the will of God. Then what was the will of God in the creation of Adam?

    Romans 5:14  Nevertheless, death reigned from the time of Adam to the time of Moses, even over those who did not sin by breaking a command, as did Adam, who is a pattern of the one to come.

    According to the bible, Adam was created as the pattern of the one who is to come so that we can understand “the one to come” through the story of Adam. Then who is “the one to come” in the bible? It is the Christ Jesus. 2000 years ago the prophecies of the bible about “the one to come” was fulfilled by Jesus Christ and in the same way the prophecies of “the one to come” in the last days would be fulfilled by the Second Coming Jesus.

    Hebrews 9:28 So Christ was offered as a sacrifice one time to take away the sins of many people. And he will come a second time, but not to offer himself for sin. He will come the second time to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him. (ERV)

    About this Christ who was to come for the second time, the Revelation says:

    Revelation 22:20  He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. 21 The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. Amen.

    Again and again the bible says the one to come in the last days is Jesus Christ. But when Jesus comes, how can we know who the true Jesus is who we have been waiting for? To teach us how to recognize the true Christ, the bible says he will come to follow the pattern of Adam. In other words, he is coming as spiritual Adam.

    Since Jesus was God the Father himself, we can conclude that God created Adam to teach us his coming as man in the flesh, which was fulfilled partly by Jesus 2000 yeas ago and would be fulfilled completely in the last days by his coming as Adam when he comes for the second time. In short, Adam represents God the Father coming as man.

    The Spiritual Eve

    If Adam represents God the Father, then who does Eve represents? As we have already seen, Eve was created to let us know the another image of God, God the Mother. Through the creation of Eve, God wanted to teach us the God the Mother who would come as woman in the flesh in the last days. 2ooo years ago when God the Father appeared as spiritual Adam in the name of Jesus, he did not bring his wife, the spiritual Eve. She was kept hidden until the last days.

    Adam and Eve
    Who is Eve, who was created with Adam’s flesh and blood?

    According to the prophecies of the bible, Spiritual Eve must appear in the last days along with Spiritual Adam, the Second Coming Christ to complete the salvation work. Then why should Eve appear in the last days. To understand the work of the spiritual Eve, first we must look at the physical Eve who was also given as pattern for the spiritual Eve. Then what was the purpose of God in the creation of Eve.

    According to the bible Eve was created as helper: “But for Adam no suitable helper was found” (Genesis 1:20) It means she was created to help Adam. Adam was not complete by himself and God created Eve to make up for the lack in Adam. Even though Adam could do everything by himself, there was one thing that he could not do alone: Giving life to the children. Therefore, to help Adam to procreate or to give birth to offspring.

    Genesis 3:20  Adam named his wife Eve (or Life), because she would become the mother of all the living.

    The name Eve means “life” or “living” in the Hebrew words and she was created to give life to the children. Through this physical Eve, God is teaching us that it is only through the spiritual Eve (God the Mother) the spiritual life can be given to the children. And to give us the eternal life God the Mother must appear along with God the Father in the last days.

    The Eternal Life

    Just as Adam was the first man who gave life to the children, the bible says Jesus is coming as Adam to give the spiritual life to the spiritual children.

    1 Corinthians 15:45  So it is written: “The first man Adam became a living being”; the last Adam, a life-giving spirit.

    The purpose of the appearance of the last Adam or Jesus Christ is to give life to the children. For this purpose Christ must come again as Adam or man in the flesh for the second time in the last days, but when he appears to give us life, he must come along with the spiritual Eve, God the Mother because it was not the will of God to give life to the children only through Adam. But more importantly God created Eve and gave the role of child-birth so that she would give life as mother.

    In this story of Adam and Eve, God already foretold the work of Christ who is coming as Adam and Eve to give us eternal life. To give us eternal life or salvation, the Second Coming Christ (the Last Adam) must reveal God the Mother (the Last Eve) who is coming to give us “eternal life,” just as Adam revealed Eve by testifying about her as it is written:

    Genesis 3:20  Adam named his wife Eve (or Life), because she would become the mother of all the living.

    Adam gave the name and role for Eve and this work of Adam was a prophecy to let us know the work of the spiritual Adam. This prophecy was fulfilled by the Second Coming Christ Ahnsahnghong revealing God the Mother as the last Eve who appeared to give us the eternal life.


    The last hidden mystery of the bible, the Last Eve coming as mother of all the living was finally fulfilled in our time. Now we must recognize God the Mother who came as woman in the flesh and accept her and the living water coming from her to receive eternal life. Come to the World Mission Society Church of God established by God the Father and God the Mother in these last days.

  • Heavenly Wedding Banquet: Who Is The Bride Of Christ?

    Heavenly Wedding Banquet: Who Is The Bride Of Christ?

    In the previous post, I have explained about one parable of Jesus: The Heavenly Wedding Banquet and its meaning. Through the parable, actually God was teaching us that there would appear a bride of Jesus in the last days. She is the one who would be able to give us the eternal life and salvation. Therefore, we must know the bride of Jesus who would appear to us in the form of woman along with the Christ who was to appear in the form of man. Our Father and Mother appear as man in the flesh and give the water of life.

    How To Recognize the Christ and His Bride

    Now the question is if she is to appear one of women on this earth how we can know who the true bride of Christ is since there are so many women living on this earth. When she comes, will she have certain undeniable signs through which we can immediately recognize her? That would not be true because the appearance of the Christ as male or female is not easy to recognize as it happened 2000 years ago when Christ Jesus came for the first time. His or her appearance must be kept as secret until the appointed time.

    Matthew 8:4  Then Jesus said to him, “See that you don’t tell anyone.”

    Matthew 17:9  As they were coming down the mountain, Jesus instructed them, “Don’t tell anyone what you have seen, until the Son of Man has been raised from the dead.”

    All throughout the gospel, Jesus said to his disciples and people not to reveal his true identity to others until the appointed time. It was because he must come in secret and nobody is supposed to know the true identity of Jesus through his physical appearance. The only way, we can know him was through the fulfillment of the prophecies of the bible. In this way, God was separating two types of people: those who have spiritual eyes and those who don’t. Those who have spiritual eyes were those who believed the prophecies of the bible and accepted Jesus as Christ even though he looked just like a man in the outward appearance.

    It is the same with the appearance of the Second Coming Christ and His bride in the last days. In the outward physical appearance they would be like exactly one of us; therefore, through the appearance we will not be able to recognize them. The only way for us to know them is through the fulfillment of the prophecies of the bible. The bible prophecies that the Spirit and the Bride would appear and give the water of life. Then how can we know the Spirit and the bride? It is through the water of life (eternal life) they give. Whoever it may be, the one who brings the water of life is the Spirit and the Bride and the water of life is the words of God that gives the eternal life. And the words of God is:

    John 6:53  53 Jesus said to them, “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. 54 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.

    And the flesh and blood of Christ was the Passover the New Covenant. Therefore, the one who brings the Passover is the Spirit and the bride in the bible. The one who restored the Passover which was abolished in AD 325 was Christ Ahnsahnghong and the one who came as the Heavenly Jerusalem, the reality of the new covenant is Our Mother. Therefore, the prophecies were fulfilled by Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother and we can know they are the Spirit and the bride once we remove their physical appearance.

    The Bride Revealed

    Since they are coming in secret, we must know how to recognize them correctly. In this parable of Wedding, what is hidden is the bride of Christ and she is the key for the kingdom of heaven. Then how can we know the bride? The bible says all the physical things on this earth was given to us to teach us the spiritual things in heaven. (Romans 1:20) Therefore, to know the bride first we must look at the wedding on this earth. In a wedding ceremony at first the bride is veiled. And then who is it that reveals the bride to the guests? It is the bridegroom.

    Heavenly Wedding Banquet
    Bride in Veil

    In the same way, in this spiritual wedding banquet too, it should be the bridegroom (the Second Coming Christ) who would reveal the bride. To confirm this let us, take a look at some of the prophecies of the bible.

    Isaiah 62:6  I have posted watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the Lord, give yourselves no rest, 7 and give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth.

    When this prophecy was written in BC 700 by Prophet Isaiah the physical Jerusalem and its Temple was already established by King David and Solomon about 300 years ago. And he is talking about a Jerusalem which is going to be established in the future. Then what is this Jerusalem? He must be speaking about the heavenly Jerusalem and he says that the Heavenly Jerusalem is going to be established by God himself. It means the Second Coming Christ, who is God (Romans 9:5) will reveal the spiritual Jerusalem our Mother to the guests (God’s people).

    Adam Established Eve

    This can be confirmed through the story of Adam and Eve. The story of Adam and Eve in Genesis is not just a story of past, but it is story of Christ and his bride. According to the bible, Christ is compared to Adam.

    Romans 5:14  Nevertheless, death reigned from the time of Adam to the time of Moses, even over those who did not sin by breaking a command, as did Adam, who is a pattern of the one to come.

    The one to come in the bible is the Christ who is coming as Savior, but especially, this Christ in the Book of Romans is about the Second Coming Christ because this book was written after the first coming of Christ. Then why is Christ compared to Adam? It is because through the work and life of Adam God is teaching us the work of Christ. So the work and life of Adam in Eden was given to us to teach us the spiritual Adam who would come and fulfill the work spiritually. Therefore, we can say Adam was given to us as prophecy to teach us about the Christ.

    Since Adam represents Christ, the bride of Adam or Eve means the bride of Christ. Then in the story of Adam who was the one who revealed Eve? This is very important because through this we can see who is going to reveal the bride of Christ the spiritual Eve.

    Genesis 2:22  Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. 23 The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.”

    Genesis 3:20 Adam named his wife Eve, because she would become the mother of all the living.

    In this story of Garden of Eden who was it that revealed Eve the bride of Adam? It was not God who testified about Eve or named Eve. It was Adam himself. He gave Eve the role and definition as the life-giver and also he reveals that Eve is his own flesh and blood. Since Adam signifies the Christ and Eve the bride of Christ, just as Adam revealed Eve, the Christ himself will reveal his bride. Therefore, by listening to the testimony of the Second Coming Christ we can know who the true bride is who can give us the water of life. God let Adam to testify about Eve and it means nobody is supposed to know the existence of the spiritual Eve until Adam appears and reveals her to people. That is why Eve or the bride of Christ is the last hidden secret for the kingdom of heaven.

    To fulfill this wedding banquet, Christ Ahnsahnhong revealed our Mother as His Bride who can give us eternal life. In 1984, he commanded his disciples to prepare for the Passover in a Wedding Hall. Since the Passover is a festival of God through which we can eat and drink the flesh and blood of Christ and have the forgiveness and eternal life, usually it was kept in Zion, the city of God’s festivals. But in 1984 Christ Ahnsahnghong directed to prepare the Passover in a wedding hall, and through the Passover he wanted to reveal the reality of the flesh and blood of Christ as Adam, that is, the spiritual Eve.

    He directed them to light the blue and red candles, which is the symbol of a wedding ceremony and in the wedding banquet he revealed our Mother the spiritual Eve who would become “the Mother of all the Living.” And he taught his disciples.

    Peter Followed Jesus,
    Joshua Followed Moses,
    Elisha Followed Elijah,
    And I Follow Mother.

    Through this he completed the parable of the wedding banquet and commanded us to obey Mother because she is the one who fulfilled all the prophecies of the bible and came down to this earth to give us the water of life.


    Zechariah 14:6  On that day there will be neither sunlight nor cold, frosty darkness. 7 It will be a unique day—a day known only to the Lord—with no distinction between day and night. When evening comes, there will be light. 8 On that day living water will flow out from Jerusalem, half of it east to the Dead Sea and half of it west to the Mediterranean Sea, in summer and in winter.

    To fulfill the prophecies of the bible, Mother came and giving us the water of life. Come to the Jerusalem our Mother for the eternal life.

  • Heavenly Wedding Banquet

    Heavenly Wedding Banquet

    As we have already seen in another post, a parable contains the secret of the Kingdom of Heaven. A parable works as key for the heaven through which we can open the door of heaven and enter. That is why to understand the true meaning of a parable is very important to enter into the kingdom of heaven.

    Heavenly Wedding Banquet

    To teach us the kingdom of heaven, Jesus gave us one parable of “Heavenly Wedding Banquet.”

    Matthew 22:1  Jesus spoke to them again in parables, saying: 2 “The kingdom of heaven is like a king who prepared a wedding banquet for his son. 3 He sent his servants to those who had been invited to the banquet to tell them to come, but they refused to come. 4 “Then he sent some more servants and said, ‘Tell those who have been invited that I have prepared my dinner: My oxen and fattened cattle have been butchered, and everything is ready. Come to the wedding banquet.’ 5 “But they paid no attention and went off—one to his field, another to his business. 6 The rest seized his servants, mistreated them and killed them. 7 The king was enraged. He sent his army and destroyed those murderers and burned their city. 8 “Then he said to his servants, ‘The wedding banquet is ready, but those I invited did not deserve to come. 9 So go to the street corners and invite to the banquet anyone you find.’ 10 So the servants went out into the streets and gathered all the people they could find, the bad as well as the good, and the wedding hall was filled with guests.

    Here the kingdom of heaven is compared to a king who prepared the wedding banquet for his son. In the bible the king of heaven is God and the son of God is Jesus. Therefore, this parable is actually about Jesus’ Wedding. Jesus is comparing the heaven to his wedding banquet. Then what is the meaning of it? What is the secret contained in this parable that we must know to enter into the kingdom of heaven?

    Heavenly Wedding Banquet
    Who is the bride of the Lamb?

    To understand this we have to first think about the wedding ceremony. For the wedding ceremony to occur, there should be three components: Bridegroom, Bride, and Guests. As we read this parable to the end, however, we cannot see any mention of bride. We can see the bridegroom is Jesus and the guests God’s people. But why is there no bride? Is bride not necessary for this parable? This cannot be true. If a bride is not needed, Jesus would not have given this parable in the first place.

    Since we have to find a secret in each parable, we can definitely say, “Ah, the bride is the secret of this parable. Therefore, if we understand who the bride is, then we can have the key for the kingdom of heaven.” Therefore, to know who the bride is extremely crucial to enter the heaven. Then who is this bride who holds the key for the heaven? Since she  is the bride of Jesus, the bride will appear along with Jesus, right? Since the bride did not appear in Jesus’ first coming, however, she must appear in his second coming. Therefore, we can guess when Jesus comes for the second time, he will come with his bride and she is the one we must know to enter the kingdom of heaven.

    Lamb and His Bride

    Then let us find out the second coming Christ and his bride through the Revelation which describes what is going to happen in the last days: the time frame for his second coming. In the Revelation we can see the testimony of the fulfillment of his wedding and the appearance of his bride.

    Revelation 19:7  Let us rejoice and be glad
    and give him glory!
    For the wedding of the Lamb has come,
    and his bride has made herself ready.
    8 Fine linen, bright and clean,
    was given her to wear.”
    (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of God’s holy people.)
    9 Then the angel said to me, “Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!” And he added, “These are the true words of God.”

    In this book we can see the fulfillment of Wedding of the Lamb (Second Coming Jesus): Bridegroom (Jesus), his bride, and Guests (Those invited or God’s people). Since the most important secret for heaven in this parable is the bride, therefore, we must find out who the bride is. Mistakenly, people says the bride is God’s church or people. In this parable, however, we can see the bride and the church is not the same. Also the bible says that the bride of Jesus has made herself ready in the last days. If the church is the bride of the parable, we cannot say the bride was not ready 2000 years ago. There WERE God’s church. But this bride is ready only in the last days.

    Then who is this bride which would appear only in the last days? Let us follow the testimonies of the bride throughout the bible so that we can know who the true bride is.

    Revelation 21:9  One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls full of the seven last plagues came and said to me, “Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb.” 10 And he carried me away in the Spirit to a mountain great and high, and showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God.

    The angel who was to show the bride of Jesus actually showed John the Heavenly Jerusalem who was to appear in the last days. So the bride Jesus is bringing in the last day is the Heavenly Jerusalem and this Jerusalem is represented as the Most Holy Place of the temple.

    Revelation 21:16 The city was laid out like a square, as long as it was wide. He measured the city with the rod and found it to be 12,000 stadia in length, and as wide and high as it is long.

    1 King 6:19  He prepared the inner sanctuary within the temple to set the ark of the covenant of the Lord there. 20 The inner sanctuary (the Most Holy Place) was twenty cubits long, twenty wide and twenty high.

    According to the bible the Most Holy Place of the temple is described as cube and we can see the description in the establishment of the physical temple in the time of Solomon. But we cannot understand that physcially a cube-like city would fall out of heaven to this earth in the last days as bride of God. Then what is the true meaning of the Heavenly Jerusalem? To understand this we must know the reality of the temple, that is, the Christ. Christ is the reality of the temple and the physical temple in the Old Testament was given to us to teach us the Christ who is coming as the reality of the temple.

    And Jesus Christ represents the Holy Place of the temple (Hebrews 10:19) and then what does the Most Holy Place signify?

    The Reality of the Heavenly Jerusalem


    Galatians 4:26  26 But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother.

    The bible says that the reality of the Most Holy Place of the temple is our Mother. 2000 years ago the reality of the Holy Place of the temple came down to this earth in the name of Jesus, who was the reality of the temple. Even though he came as man in the flesh, he was God our Father who came down to this earth to give us eternal life. And the bible says that in the last days the reality of the Most Holy Place of the temple would appear to us. Then how would she appear? Just as our Father in Heaven came down to this earth as man in the flesh by putting the Spirit of God in his body of temple, our Mother in heaven would appear to us in the same way as woman int the last days. 

    Even though she would appear in the flesh, she is the true Christ and true Savior we must know in the last days. Through these prophecies of the bible, we can know that the heavenly wedding banquet would be completed by the appearance of the Lamb and His Bride in the last days and the last secret of the bible or the key for the kingdom of heaven is our Mother who appears in the human form in the last days. Through her appearance in this earth the parable of the wedding would be made complete. 

    Then what would happen when the parable of wedding banquet is completed? To understand this we must look at the purpose of the wedding on this earth. Why does a couple join together as husband and wife and forms a family? It is to give life to the children just as God said, “Be fruitful and increase in number.” (Genesis 1:28) Through this physical wedding banquet we can understand the spiritual meaning in it. Why must our Father and Mother appear as man in the flesh in the last day and complete the wedding ceremony which was not fulfilled in his first coming? To give eternal LIFE to the spiritual children. That completion of the parable of wedding banquet and the eternal life is testified in the Revelation.

    Heavenly Wedding Banquet
    Invitation to the Heavenly Wedding Banquet by the Spirit and the Bride. Come and join.

    Revelation 22:17 The Spirit and the bride say, “Come.” And let him who hears say, “Come!” Whoever is thirty,  let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.

    After the completion of the Heavenly wedding banquet, the Spirit (God the Father) and his bride (God the Mother) give the water of life to whoever wishes to receive. About the water of life Jesus said:

    John 4:14  but whoever drinks the water I gave him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.

    The water of life is the water that gives us the eternal life, but Jesus said that he would give the eternal life in the last days.

    John 6:39  And this is the will of him who sent me, that I shall lose none of that he has given me, but raise them up at the last day.

    The wedding banquet could not be completed 2000 years ago in his first coming since it was not the time for the bride to appear. The bible teaches that the eteral life is given in the last days to complete the salvation work of God. And for this purpose John testifies that our Mother would come down from heaven as the bride of Jesus our Father.


    Through this parable God teaches us that the last hidden secret of the bible is the bride of God who completes the salvation work by giving the water of life or eternal life in the last day. In other words, God the Mother is the key for the kingdom of heaven that we must receive. Without mother’s appearance on this earth in the flesh there is no salvation for the people of God.

    To fulfill the prophecy of this parable, God the Mother appeared to us and calling us to come to receive the water of life. We must realize that God the Mother is the last secret of the bible hidden for ages to be revealed only to the people of God who are living in the age of fulfillment, even us. Come to the bride of God, our Mother who is the true source of salvation.

  • [WMSCOG] Adam’s Flesh And Blood

    [WMSCOG] Adam’s Flesh And Blood

    Adam’s Flesh and Blood

    According to the bible Adam represents Christ, but then who does Eve represent? Let us find out the answer for this question through the teachings of Christ. 2000 years ago, Jesus said, “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life,” and gave the new covenant of the Passover through which we would be able to receive the flesh and blood of Christ and eternal life. But there is something more in this teaching of Christ.

    Jesus Teaches in Parables

    Matthew 13:34   Jesus spoke all these things to the crowd in parables; he did not say anything to them without using a parable.

    A parable is a figurative language which contains hidden secrets in it. It means all the teachings of Jesus was given in the parabolic term and those teachings contain some hidden meaning in it. Then we can easily assume that there must be also some secret meaning behind this teaching of Jesus about his flesh and blood. To understand the secret hidden in the Passover, we must understand the story of Adam.

    Hidden Secret in the Flesh and Blood of Christ

    Jesus and Adam

    Romans 5:14   14 Nevertheless, death reigned from the time of Adam to the time of Moses, even over those who did not sin by breaking a command, as did Adam, who is a pattern of the one to come.

    Adam was given to us as pattern to teach us about “the one who was to come.” Then who is “the one to come”? According to the prophecies of the bible, ‘the one to come’ is Christ who was to come or appear two times. It means Adam was actually given to us as type to show the Christ who was to come in the future. Therefore, by looking at Adam in the Old Testament we can actually know who the Christ would be who was to come as spiritual Adam.

    Jesus’ Flesh and Blood Hidden in the Story of Adam

    Eve the Flesh and Blood of Adam

    Therefore, to know the meaning of Jesus’ flesh and blood we must first look at Adam. Adam represents Christ so Adam’s flesh and blood means Christ’s flesh and blood. Through Adam’s flesh and blood, we can come to know the reality of Christ’s flesh and blood. Then what is Adam’s flesh and blood? Let us take a look at the story of Adam?

    When God created Eve, he used Adam’s bone and flesh. Actually, “bone” represents blood because the blood is produced from the marrow inside the bones. After creating Eve with Adam’s flesh and bone (or blood), Adam testified like this:

    Genesis 2:23   23 The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.”

    When Eve was brought to Adam, Adam testified to Eve as his flesh and blood.

    The Reality of the Flesh and Blood of the Christ

    So through this story of Adam we can see the reality of Christ’s flesh and blood which gives eternal life to those who eat them. Just as Jesus represents Adam, Christ’s flesh and blood represents Eve, Adam’s wife who was created with Adam’s flesh and blood.

    Through the story of Adam actually God was teaching us the wife of the spiritual Adam the Christ who can give us the eternal life. Then when is the time for Eve to appear? Let us study the story of Adam a little bit more.

    Eve Represents God the Mother the Spiritual Last Eve

    Creation of Eve

    When God created Eve, first he put Adam into a deep sleep and took his flesh and blood to create Eve.

    Genesis 2:21   21 So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and then closed up the place with flesh. 22 Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.

    Before the creation of Eve, first Adam must be put into a deep sleep and then Eve could be revealed. In the same way, for the wife of Christ, the spiritual Adam to be revealed, first Christ must be put into a deep sleep. And the side of Christ must be opened to break the rib bone and flesh so that the spiritual Eve could be created. What does it mean that Christ must be put into a deep sleep?

    John 11:11   11 After he had said this, he went on to tell them, “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep; but I am going there to wake him up.” 12 His disciples replied, “Lord, if he sleeps, he will get better.” 13 Jesus had been speaking of his death, but his disciples thought he meant natural sleep. 14 So then he told them plainly, “Lazarus is dead.”

    To talk about the death of Lazarus, at first Jesus used a figurative language, ‘sleeping’ and then later explained to the disciples in a plain language without using a parable that he is dead. So spiritually sleeping means ‘death.’

    The Appearance of the Spiritual Eve, the Bride of Christ

    For the creation of Eve, Adam must be put into a deep sleep and this means that for the wife of Christ to be revealed Christ must be first put to death and his side must be broken open. 2000 years ago we can clearly see how Jesus fulfilled this prophecy of Adam when he came for the first time.

    John 19:33 But when they came to Jesus and found that he was already dead, they did not break his legs. Instead, one of the soldiers pierced Jesus’ side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water.

    The spiritual Adam, Jesus was figuratively put into a deep sleep and while he was sleeping his side was broken open and his rib bone was broken producing blood. Through his death on the cross he fulfilled the prophecy of Adam to reveal Eve, his true flesh and blood.

    The Appearance of the Last Adam and Last Eve

    Eve Means “Life”

    Then why should Eve be revealed? Because she is the one who was created to give “Life” to people. The name, Eve means “LIFE,” and even from the beginning God planned the life through Eve.

    Genesis 3:20   Adam named his wife Eve, because she would become the mother of all the living.

    In the meaning of Eve in the Hebrew word is “Living or Life.” Even from the beginning God created Eve to give life. Without Eve, the Mother of all the Living, there can never be any life for the living in the spiritual sense. This was also prophecy about the Christ’s wife who would be revealed as the source of life. Through the sacrifice of Christ God fulfilled the prophecy of Adam and his death so that Eve, Adam’s flesh and blood could be created.

    The Time of the Appearance of Eve

    Then when would Eve appear? Since she is Adam’s wife, she would appear along with her husband Adam, that is, the Second Coming Christ who was to appear in the last days. And in the book of Revelation, the bible says that Christ, the Last Adam will appear with his wife, the Last Eve in the last days.

    Revelation 19:7   Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready.

    When the Lamb is coming for the second time in the last days, he is coming along with his wife, the last Eve.

    The Purpose of the Appearance of the Last Eve

    Then what is the purpose of Eve’s coming? To give life as the mother of all the living. 2000 years ago Jesus gave his flesh and blood through the Passover bread and wine until the reality of the flesh and blood of Christ be revealed in the last days. By revealing Eve in the last days, God is teaching that the reality of Christ’s flesh and blood that gives eternal life is actually the wife of Christ, the Last Eve, the Mother of all the living.

    Who is the Last Eve, the Bride of Christ?

    If we look at Revelation 21:9, the bible teaches us the bride and wife of Christ is the Heavenly Jerusalem coming down from heaven. And Paul teaches the reality of the Heavenly Jerusalem and says, “But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our Mother.” The heavenly Jerusalem is our Mother or the Mother of the living. Here “Our” means God’s people who will receive eternal life and they must have spiritual Mother who can grant them eternal life.

    This prophecy was already fulfilled by Christ Ahnsahnghong who came as the Last Adam and Our Mother Heavenly Jerusalem who came as the bride of the Lamb, the Last Eve. Christ Ahnsahnghong taught us that Mother is the one who can give us eternal life and we must listen to Mother for the life. Thanks to heavenly Father and Mother for their great love and sacrifice!!

  • Elohim, The Mystery Of God

    Elohim, The Mystery Of God

    What is the mystery of God in the bible? It is the Christ because our salvation depends on the Christ who was to appear on this earth. The reason he is considered a mystery is because no one can recognize the Christ in the worldly point of view. The biggest mystery among all the mysteries of the bible is God Elohim who would appear in the last days to give us eternal life.

    The Old Testament of the bible is recorded originally in the Hebraic language and in the Hebrew language one of the words used to refer to God is “Elohim,” which was used 2,500 times throughout the Old Testament. This referent, Elohim is the most common word used to mean God. If we just look at the Genesis 1, we can see how many times the word “Elohim” is used to mean God. Listen to this Hebrew reading of Genesis 1.

    Then what is so mysterious about a name of God? It is because contrary to the public opinion Elohim is not God in the singular form, but Gods in plural form. It means when God was creating the world and everything in it, God was not working by himself, but there was another entity who was working together with God the Father. Let us confirm this through the reading of Genesis 1:26 and 27.

    Why is Elohim (God) using “us” and “our” to represent God? If God is singular and Father alone, then he should say, “Let me make man in my image and in my likeness.” Why is God referring himself as “us” and “our” in the plural form? The secret is in the word Elohim. In the Hebrew word, the singular form of God is “El” or “Elo(a)h,” which means God in the singular form and the plural form of God is “Elim” or “Elohim,” which means Gods literally.

    You might say, “Does it make any difference if it is singular or plural?” The answer is “It does make all the difference.” To have knowledge of God is the basic condition of salvation. Even though there are many gods and many lords in the world, the true Savior and true God is one. And that one God is call himself as “us” and “our.” In the bible nothing is meaningless, and everything has meaning. Even a singular or plural form has meaning in it. For example, let us take a look at Paul’s words:

    Gal 3:16  16 The promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. Scripture does not say “and to seeds,” meaning many people, but “and to your seed,” meaning one person, who is Christ.

    Even though Abraham had two sons or seeds, Ishmael and Isaac, the one who received the promise of God was one son or seed, Isaac, who represents Christ. The singular and plural form is essential to understand the meaning of Abraham’s seed, who would become his heir. All these were working as prophecies to teach us God’s heir. If we don’t not care if it is singular or plural, we completely misunderstand the salvation work of God. It is the same with Elohim. To understand if God is one or two, or singular or plural is essential for the salvation. If someone firmly believes God is one (even though God is two), he would not be able to accept God when he appears as two forms, and if someone believes that God is two (even though he is one), he would have to wait meaninglessly to the end without receiving salvation.

    Then is God one or two? The answer is in man who was given God’s image. Man was created to reveal the image of God, and the man was created into two images, male and female, or Adam and Eve. And the creation of man shows us the invisible image of God as male and female, Father and Mother. According to the Romans 5 Adam was created to teach us the male image of Christ or God the Father coming as man in the flesh.

    Both Adam and Eve were created in the invisible image of God. Since they are the copy of the image of God, through them we can conclude that God has two images too, that is, male and female, or God the Father and God the Mother.

    Romans 5:14   Nevertheless, death reigned from the time of Adam to the time of Moses, even over those who did not sin by breaking a command, as did Adam, who was a pattern of the one to come.

    Adam was created to teach us about the Christ, first coming and second, who represent male image of Elohim, Gods. Then who does Eve represent, who was given the female image of Elohim? She was created to show Adam’s wife or female image of Christ. In short, Adam is Christ in the male image and Eve is Christ in the female image who would come and appear in the last days: the Spirit and the Bride in the book of Revelation 22:17. The Spirit is the Christ who is coming as Adam for the second time and his bride is Elohim Mother who would appear as Adam’s bride or his wife.

    Many says that the bride is the saints. But Father Ahnsahnghong clearly taught in one of his sermon explaining the Revelation 21 and 22 that the bride in the book is not plural, but singular. If the bride is saints, it should be recorded as brides in the plural form, not bride in its singular form, which means the bride is NOT saints. Just as many tried to deceive people from recognizing God the Father who came down to this earth in the flesh, and in the same way there are many who try to deceive people from know God the Mother the Last Eve who would appear in the last days to give us the water of life. To understand the deepest mystery in the bible, we must depend on the words of God in the bible, not on the teachings coming from man’s opinion.

    The bible truly testifies that the Spirit and the Bride would appear to give us salvation. They are God Elohim, Father and Mother working together even from the beginning in the book of Genesis to the very end until all God’s people receive the salvation and eternal life in Heaven!!

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