New Year Greeting Of Overseas Members of the Church of God

2019 Overseas Members Greeting

To read the full article, please the visit, “The Korea Times“.

175 overseas members of World Mission Society Church of God from 10 different countries visited Korea are conveying “the message of hope for the prosperity and well-being of the global community”.

It was the year 2000 when the Church of God started to receive overseas visiting members in earnest. Up to the 73rd group, about 1,500 members had been visiting Korea every year. For the members of over 7,000 Churches of God in 175 countries, Korea is the country where God the Father and God the Mother, who are testified in the Bible, have appeared. So their visit to Korea is a pilgrimage to the Holy Land and a great blessing. Although foreigners’ visits to Korea decreased due to the outbreak of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) in 2015, about 240 members from 23 countries visited Korea and over 2,000 members came to Korea in 2016 alone.

From THE KOREA TIMES news article

They visited many different places around the city of Seoul and they were amazed by the speed Korea achieved for its economic growth. A visiting members said, “”It’s taken quite a long time for the United States to develop into a great power as it is now. However, Korea has achieved rapid growth in a very short period of time. Some parts seem to have developed more than the U.S.”.

And also the overseas visiting members of the Church of God shared “a message of hope for the New Year” being united with the love of Mother.

“I’m deeply moved that our Church members from all over the world with different languages and cultures are united in Mother’s love. If you don’t care about other people and only think of yourself, you miss something important ― love. Among many types of love, a mother’s love is the one that can change people, and those who are changed through it can make the world beautiful,” said Michael Miller from New York, U.S.

From THE KOREA TIMES news article

To read the full article, please the visit, “The Korea Times“.

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