Today there are so many people who claim to be the people of God. However, Jesus says that not all…
The festivals should be the days of joy and thanks for us. However, even today people feel that they are doing favors to God by keeping the festivals. We do not realize the true meanings of the festivals. We act as if God wanted to be honored by us on the day, and the days were days of burden to us that we should sacrifice ourselves for God’s sake. Then is this true? Are we doing any good things to God by keeping the festivals? No.
Return to God Just as Moses said in the Book of Psalm, our life on this earth is but trouble…
The Israelites Freed From the Slavery of the Babylon In the time of Jehoiakim, the Babylonians conquered Judah and the…
Why should God come as man in the flesh? Why did he have to go through so many pains and sufferings even though he was God?
Jesus Coming as Spiritual Doctor 2000 years ago when Jesus came to this earth, he healed the diseases of people…
In the previous two articles we have studied that we can receive the promises of the forgiveness of sins and…
Passover and Forgiveness of Sins The members of the Church of God or WMSCOG keep the Passover according to the…
The Christ is God who came as man in the flesh. When Christ appeared, people did not recognize him. And for the reason Christ is called the mystery in the bible. The last mystery is the second coming Christ who would come as man in the flesh. Then how can we recognize the Christ and receive the salvation?
Secrets Hidden In Parable Passover The Tree Of Life–The Book of Genesis contains many secrets and mysteries in it. People…